Grand poopa
Here is the Headlines In NAtional Turkey Federations "SUMMER 2001" Flyer.... I took Ithica's Real name out and Put in Ithica. Any other errors Were Scanning Errors that didn't come Accross.......
Wild turkeys were first introduced in Idaho in the early 1960's, but it took another twenty years for the National Wild Turkey Federation to arrive. Ithica37 had just gotten into turkey hunting in his native Vermont before moving to Boise in the fall of 1981 .He was interested to note the existence of Idaho's fledgling spring turkey season and further investigation led to Idaho Fish & Game biologist Andy Ogden who, in turn, suggested Boise teacher Vern Anderson, one of the very few persons hunting turkeys back then. Ithica37 met with Vern and gained a little insight into the all-important "where" which, in those days of maybe 400 birds statewide, was vital knowledge indeed!
The following April found Ithica37 hunting around Council. After five days without seeing another hunter, Ithica37 came across a camouflaged fellow running a box call trying to elicit a response from a tom across a draw. Ithica37 recalls they were both so happy to know they weren't the only turkey hunters in the woods that you would have thought them long, lost friends at a reunion! A few days later, Ithica37 harvested his first Idaho turkey, one of the dozen or so taken statewide that year.
A few months later, while poking around the Fish & Game offices trying to find out about whitetail hunting, Ithica37 met Director Jerry Conley. The two hit it off and, when the Director asked Ithica37's opinion on what could be done improve opportunities for hunters, the response was immediate: resume the wild turkey stocking program which had been put on hold since the early 1970's. An avid turkey hunter himself, Conley agreed and said he'd look into it. Two weeks then passed and Ithica37 was summoned to the Director's office for a follow-up meeting. Mr. Conley said they could get plenty of turkeys from South Dakota, Nebraska and Arizona but that the Department would need the support of sportsman to make it all work. He then asked Ithica37 if he would take the initiative to get an NWTF chapter started in Idaho.
Ithica37 got back in touch with Vern Anderson who was enthusiastic about the idea of transplanting more tur- keys into Idaho. Vern sent for the forms from National and, within a few weeks, the seeds were being sown for an Idaho NWTF chapter. F&G biologist Andy Ogden, his sister Kay, Keith Sampson and Nampan Roy Payne were among the first members. Jerry Conley supplied a list of the ninety-some folks who'd bought a turkey tag in 1982 and Ithica37 sent postcards to most of them announcing the first meeting.
A dozen people showed up for that initial gathering and Ithica37 recalls it was exciting to have so many turkey hunt- ers all in the same place to talk about turkeys! A second meeting was scheduled and a few more interested per- sons showed up. Ithica37 bought a bottle of Wild Turkey whiskey to use as a raffle item and was amazed when it fetched $25. That small (but significant) act was the Idaho chapter's first "fund raiser" and began what has become nearly two decades of service to sportsmen in the state of Idaho... and to the wild turkey!
Ithica completed the first "Idaho Slam" Support of sports- with this 1986 eastern taken near Dworshak man to make it all Reservoir.
Wild turkeys were first introduced in Idaho in the early 1960's, but it took another twenty years for the National Wild Turkey Federation to arrive. Ithica37 had just gotten into turkey hunting in his native Vermont before moving to Boise in the fall of 1981 .He was interested to note the existence of Idaho's fledgling spring turkey season and further investigation led to Idaho Fish & Game biologist Andy Ogden who, in turn, suggested Boise teacher Vern Anderson, one of the very few persons hunting turkeys back then. Ithica37 met with Vern and gained a little insight into the all-important "where" which, in those days of maybe 400 birds statewide, was vital knowledge indeed!
The following April found Ithica37 hunting around Council. After five days without seeing another hunter, Ithica37 came across a camouflaged fellow running a box call trying to elicit a response from a tom across a draw. Ithica37 recalls they were both so happy to know they weren't the only turkey hunters in the woods that you would have thought them long, lost friends at a reunion! A few days later, Ithica37 harvested his first Idaho turkey, one of the dozen or so taken statewide that year.
A few months later, while poking around the Fish & Game offices trying to find out about whitetail hunting, Ithica37 met Director Jerry Conley. The two hit it off and, when the Director asked Ithica37's opinion on what could be done improve opportunities for hunters, the response was immediate: resume the wild turkey stocking program which had been put on hold since the early 1970's. An avid turkey hunter himself, Conley agreed and said he'd look into it. Two weeks then passed and Ithica37 was summoned to the Director's office for a follow-up meeting. Mr. Conley said they could get plenty of turkeys from South Dakota, Nebraska and Arizona but that the Department would need the support of sportsman to make it all work. He then asked Ithica37 if he would take the initiative to get an NWTF chapter started in Idaho.
Ithica37 got back in touch with Vern Anderson who was enthusiastic about the idea of transplanting more tur- keys into Idaho. Vern sent for the forms from National and, within a few weeks, the seeds were being sown for an Idaho NWTF chapter. F&G biologist Andy Ogden, his sister Kay, Keith Sampson and Nampan Roy Payne were among the first members. Jerry Conley supplied a list of the ninety-some folks who'd bought a turkey tag in 1982 and Ithica37 sent postcards to most of them announcing the first meeting.
A dozen people showed up for that initial gathering and Ithica37 recalls it was exciting to have so many turkey hunt- ers all in the same place to talk about turkeys! A second meeting was scheduled and a few more interested per- sons showed up. Ithica37 bought a bottle of Wild Turkey whiskey to use as a raffle item and was amazed when it fetched $25. That small (but significant) act was the Idaho chapter's first "fund raiser" and began what has become nearly two decades of service to sportsmen in the state of Idaho... and to the wild turkey!
Ithica completed the first "Idaho Slam" Support of sports- with this 1986 eastern taken near Dworshak man to make it all Reservoir.