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Who hunts or wants to hunt big game with a handgun?

Years ago I killed quite a few white tails with a .357 mag and thought I’d like to pursue it more so I bought a Savage Striker in .308 I practiced on groundhogs out to 300 yds. all summer long. I hunted with that gun in PA, Me. and even took it to Missouri in hopes of getting to use it. I never saw a deer while I carried it. Concluded it was a bad luck gun and put it away then went back to seeing deer everywhere I went. It’s still in the gun safe never to see daylight again.
I used to hunt with a Rem XP 100 chambered in 350 Rem mag, that thing was a hand canon. I used it before IN started to adopt some rifle cartridges. I have also hunted with a Ruger red hawk in 41 mag with success. But the funnest pistol I carry in the woods now is an old .44 cal black powder revolver. Its only used when a deer comes close to close to my tree stand.
I’ve killed several deer, a bunch of hogs and a bear with my .41 Revolvers.
Killed a few deer with a Contender in .357 Max and 7-30 Waters. I enjoy it a lot and used to hunt with them more.
My dad has a Ruger .357 revolver, and I was thinking about taking it out during alternative firearm season. I'm a new hunter and trying to explore all methods to see what I like.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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