Who here shoots a peep sight?

Couldn't stand myself I guess. It's an absolute mint m1917 "American Enfield". I saw it in an auction going cheap so I snagged it. I'm not personally a fan of sporterized service rifles, so my plan after this coming deer season will be to put the full length stock back on it and turn it into a fireplace piece or sell it to a collector.
Couldn't stand myself I guess. It's an absolute mint m1917 "American Enfield". I saw it in an auction going cheap so I snagged it. I'm not personally a fan of sporterized service rifles, so my plan after this coming deer season will be to put the full length stock back on it and turn it into a fireplace piece or sell it to a collector.
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Probably 2 or 3 guys on this thread that would buy it from you...
Couldn't stand myself I guess. It's an absolute mint m1917 "American Enfield". I saw it in an auction going cheap so I snagged it. I'm not personally a fan of sporterized service rifles, so my plan after this coming deer season will be to put the full length stock back on it and turn it into a fireplace piece or sell it to a collector.
View attachment 361422
The P 14 in 303 was l planned but the war Saw the Us being tooled up for it made the P17 for the US troops in 30 06 I could have got that mixed ,Not my sort of rifle I think they are fairly scarce these days . Rudyard
Some thoughts on my journey with my big bore 94.

- flip up tang sights are classic and allow you two advantages...the longest possible distance between front and rear sights...which in theory improves accuracy...and allows you to continue to use the standard barrel sight.

- flip up tang are much less adjustable side to side...shims will often be needed.

- the difference between tiny and big rear peep holes on my next try...a side mounted Williams peep...was not much. In fact I had a hard time with the tiny holes, and do not feel they are ok for anything but good light target shooting. Mid to larger holes did not show much difference esp. after I switched to and orange tip on the front. I believe the eye naturally centers the front which has an effect at minimizing any loss of accuracy with larger rear peep hole.

My eyes don't allow me to use me to use peeps anymore, I have a Burris fast fire on my big bore now which works great.
Some thoughts on my journey with my big bore 94.

- flip up tang sights are classic and allow you two advantages...the longest possible distance between front and rear sights...which in theory improves accuracy...and allows you to continue to use the standard barrel sight.

- flip up tang are much less adjustable side to side...shims will often be needed.

- the difference between tiny and big rear peep holes on my next try...a side mounted Williams peep...was not much. In fact I had a hard time with the tiny holes, and do not feel they are ok for anything but good light target shooting. Mid to larger holes did not show much difference esp. after I switched to and orange tip on the front. I believe the eye naturally centers the front which has an effect at minimizing any loss of accuracy with larger rear peep hole.

My eyes don't allow me to use me to use peeps anymore, I have a Burris fast fire on my big bore now which works great.
With a handle like Bonsa Ide guess you where Australian ? Big bore 94 suggest a long range target rifle but just a guess Pardon my being nosey Rudyard
With a handle like Bonsa Ide guess you where Australian ? Big bore 94 suggest a long range target rifle but just a guess Pardon my being nosey Rudyard
Nope, winchester had a run of big bores in the 80's and into the 90's. Put them out in 307, 375, and the caliber mine is in, 356 winchester. They were beefed up a bit to handle the extra pressures. I bought mine for Bear and moose but understand they have a following for dark timber elk hunting too.
I love how I asked this in June and had questions..now every swinging dick on hunttalk shows up. All on good fun, it worked out anyway.

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