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Who here has taken moose and/or elk with the venerable ".30-06 short" or even a .300 Savage?

I can't wait to see the grip and grimace.

Are you allowed to own a gun?
Wait....did @EYJONAS! supposedly quit HuntTalk but actually he merely just fired up some HuntTalk burner accounts to pollute HT with fecal smelling posts?

I'll have to check out Randy's moose hunt.

His Majesty the Prince = Bull Elk
His Majesty the King = Bull Moose
The Knight = Whitetail Buck
The Duke = Muley Buck
The Page Boy = Blacktail Buck
I dunno- I just watched a video where of elite hunters chasing "The Duke", a Bighorn Sheep..
Never with a 308, but my wife and I have killed a few elk with a 303 British, which is even less horsepower than a 308 - all dead within a few steps. One of the best elk hunters I ever knew hunted them with a 284 Winchester loaded with 120 grain Nosler ballistic tips. I asked him if he knew that was a horribly bad choice of bullet for anything bigger than a coyote, and he laughed at me and pointed to the wall of elk antlers he'd amassed over the years, all 6 point and larger elk, and commented that none of them seemed to know it was an awful bullet for big game. I also knew a guy who used to hunt elk with a 243, but he was a head/neck shooter (which didn't really improve my opinion of how he hunted elk any, LOL).
Well, since my last post above -- I shot a bull moose last Sunday (literally a once in a lifetime hunt in Idaho) with a .308 diameter 150 grain Nosler Accubond with a muzzle velocity of 2800 FPS. Killed yee olde moose dead as dead gets in very short order, no drama and no tracking involved.

To be fair, I was technically using a 30-06 to launch that bullet, but the 2800 FPS muzzle velocity it's loaded to is more/less the exact same muzzle velocity you can reasonably expect from a 308 Winchester. So zero real world difference.

So no, I would not feel the need to upgrade to a bigger gun for a moose or elk hunt. A well placed shot from any cartridge you could vaguely qualify as a 'big game cartridge' will kill an animal dead as dead gets. Conversely, a poorly placed shot from even the worlds most powerful Uber-Ultra-Wowzers-Magnum will not put an animal down in a timely fashion. And if you're like most of us, a Uber-Ultra-Wowzers-Magnum with all it's recoil will more than likely hinder you in making a well placed shot, so it is not only not necessary, I'd almost go so far as to not recommend it.
Well, since my last post above -- I shot a bull moose last Sunday (literally a once in a lifetime hunt in Idaho) with a .308 diameter 150 grain Nosler Accubond with a muzzle velocity of 2800 FPS. Killed yee olde moose dead as dead gets in very short order, no drama and no tracking involved.

To be fair, I was technically using a 30-06 to launch that bullet, but the 2800 FPS muzzle velocity it's loaded to is more/less the exact same muzzle velocity you can reasonably expect from a 308 Winchester. So zero real world difference.

So no, I would not feel the need to upgrade to a bigger gun for a moose or elk hunt. A well placed shot from any cartridge you could vaguely qualify as a 'big game cartridge' will kill an animal dead as dead gets. Conversely, a poorly placed shot from even the worlds most powerful Uber-Ultra-Wowzers-Magnum will not put an animal down in a timely fashion. And if you're like most of us, a Uber-Ultra-Wowzers-Magnum with all it's recoil will more than likely hinder you in making a well placed shot, so it is not only not necessary, I'd almost go so far as to not recommend it.

We could use pics and more moose threads. Only three ( or 4?) so far.
Well, since my last post above -- I shot a bull moose last Sunday (literally a once in a lifetime hunt in Idaho) with a .308 diameter 150 grain Nosler Accubond with a muzzle velocity of 2800 FPS. Killed yee olde moose dead as dead gets in very short order, no drama and no tracking involved.

To be fair, I was technically using a 30-06 to launch that bullet, but the 2800 FPS muzzle velocity it's loaded to is more/less the exact same muzzle velocity you can reasonably expect from a 308 Winchester. So zero real world difference.

So no, I would not feel the need to upgrade to a bigger gun for a moose or elk hunt. A well placed shot from any cartridge you could vaguely qualify as a 'big game cartridge' will kill an animal dead as dead gets. Conversely, a poorly placed shot from even the worlds most powerful Uber-Ultra-Wowzers-Magnum will not put an animal down in a timely fashion. And if you're like most of us, a Uber-Ultra-Wowzers-Magnum with all it's recoil will more than likely hinder you in making a well placed shot, so it is not only not necessary, I'd almost go so far as to not recommend it.
At least 2 moose stories ended with an Accubond so you best post some pics :D
That's funny and sparked a memory...

A couple of years ago, I killed a rat in the garage w/ the classic SNAP-style rat trap. Very effective and in this particular case, it nearly decapitated him. After disposing of the body and resetting the trap, my wife asked me a question.
"Are you gonna clean up the blood?"
"What, why!?"
"A warning to his friends..." and I walked away

I have no idea why she's still married to me.
My 84 year old Nana once used a bolt action 410 shotgun on a mouse... In her kitchen.
She went 0 and 3 before Grandpa disarmed her. Never hit the mouse but it did a number on the baseboards, cabinet fronts, and floor.
My wife shot a moose with a .308 Win out of a cheap, plastic, crappy markings, millenial Savage Axis, though. Does that count, Tom?

She's such a lazy punk millenial that she even just watched me quarter it while she was busy updating her IG.
Gtfoh 🤣😂
My 84 year old Nana once used a bolt action 410 shotgun on a mouse... In her kitchen.
She went 0 and 3 before Grandpa disarmed her. Never hit the mouse but it did a number on the baseboards, cabinet fronts, and floor.

Reminds me of my aunt that hated squirrels eating from her bird feeder. Used the 22 until her early 80s, aim went bad so she switched to 410, after a couple years she did too much damage with the 410 so switched to live traps and drowning in the rain barrel.
@SaskHunter wtf are you doing quartering moose. Dont you know us Sask boys have to get them out whole lol

Yo dawg! I don't have a tratter to get 'em out whole!!!

It's easier to quarter them up and pack them to the truck than drive alllllllllllllllllllll the way home to get a trailer and ATV. I'm lazy, not smart.
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