Who caries binos while rifle hunting

I want to thank all those with constructive advise. Like I stated I have never scoped anyone with a rifle. I do know better then that. I plan on having the binos now go with me in the field instead of just leaving them in the truck.
I want to thank all those with constructive advise. Like I stated I have never scoped anyone with a rifle. I do know better then that. I plan on having the binos now go with me in the field instead of just leaving them in the truck.

Good way to handle this. I would invest in a quality pair that are on the light side. I'm not sure what your price range is but 8x40 leupold cascades have served me well. Theron makes a high quality reasonably priced bino also. Western guys tend to like 10x but I think you will get a lot more use in timber with 8x. Not sure where you're from. I would hesitate to go with an objective less lan 40mm. Just my opinions.
Good hunting Majja!

I would also recommend the Theron brand. Great value in glass & great customer service.
Thank You VA. I am here in Utah. New Binos are on the list of Items to replace but that is not until next year. Have to save the money. Thanks for the suggested Binos. I have also heard good things about Vortex . We get in to a good mix of you can only see 10 feet in front of you to looking over 1500yd canyons, and down into drainage's.
For the record I just bought a bino harness and those are nice for carrying.

I still stand that just because you don't carry them makes you unsafe. Again all situations are different and I know I have hunted a long time without them and I have never once put a person in my scope.

Again I don't rifle hunt much anymore. I go about 1.5 days a year in WI. I pick a spot that makes it safe for me more as much as I pick spots that are safe for me to shoot. If you guys came out and hunted you would understand and you would probably hate it, specially the western guys.

I don't particularly love it myself. My dad still loves it so I do this hunt to spend time with him and the rest of the old crew. Killing an animal is pretty far down the list on this hunt so shooting isn't a rushed thing. I don't think I have pulled the trigger in the last 3 years.
Thank You VA. I am here in Utah. New Binos are on the list of Items to replace but that is not until next year. Have to save the money. Thanks for the suggested Binos. I have also heard good things about Vortex . We get in to a good mix of you can only see 10 feet in front of you to looking over 1500yd canyons, and down into drainage's.

I have Vortex both for work and for my personal pair and they are great for the money - very clear and very light weight.
Binoculars are a must, I will say a few times I have seen something amiss on the hillside and looked through my binos only to see someone pointing their rifle at me. If I was 5 years younger I would be impulsive enough to hike up there and .....
I couldn't even imagine using my scope over binos! only time I look thru my scope is when I am planning on taking a shot. There is a huge difference in depth perception and field of view with binos over a scope! I forget binos at home Ill turn around its a must have on any rifle hunt...The only time I leave binos in the truck are on some archery elk hunts where I am hunting super thick timber where I am not glassing anything.
Definitely have binos all the time. I have a carry strap, which makes them fit nice and snug against my chest so they are never in the way.
I mostly hunt in the Deep South and carry binos on every hunt, bow or gun. Like my reading glasses or a safety harness for a treestand, once you get used to them, you won't notice they are there. I use a harness, but don't recall the brand. Echo those who mention safety. Please don't scope me!!!!
I want to thank all those with constructive advise. Like I stated I have never scoped anyone with a rifle. I do know better then that. I plan on having the binos now go with me in the field instead of just leaving them in the truck.
The problem is many people have scoped others with a rifle because they didn't know what they were looking at until they had the human in the scope. I think you'll really enjoy having them with you and it will add to your hunt. Good luck this season.
As a still hunter who uses open sights my shots are close. I may use binos during scouting trips, but not hunting. I tried using them during the hunt years ago and felt the extra movement I was making could be getting me busted. I might be mising some game by not using them, but this might be outweighed by less movemnet. Hard to say which is more effective, but i've made my choice.

As for someone pointing a gun at me to spot through his scope? I don't take kindly to it and might think someone is going to shoot at me. A call to the warden might take place after a conversation with them.
Hi Matt, The big difference between using your rifle scope only verses using binos is the field of view difference. You will see more, significantly more area with binoculars than what you will through a rifle scope. You will hear about the difference in safety, which is vast. I assume you are like Randy and his crew in that you never put a round in the chamber while "scoping" for game. That is a recipe for disaster if you have a round chambered.
Sit with your binos and rifle scope and look at a distant area. You will immediately see the field of view difference.
I saw your reply to Matt. Your point about price range is valid. However, if the budget can afford it, I bought the 8x42 Leupold Windriver years ago and love them. I recently bought a pair of the Mojave in 10x50 because I was doing more western hunting than eastern or midwest. Both pair are exceptional in clarity. Leupold products are very good. The quality of the glass is what makes the difference.
Just my two cents worth to add to the recommendation and endorsement of the Leupold glass. You won't be disappointed if you can afford the extra cost.
OK, some of you may laugh but I actually use a pair of 8 x 25's when I'm bow hunting squirrels. I used to never hunt without binoculars, but now I have at least a small pair on me every time. I think the image of a hunter without binoculars who sweeps his rifle back and forth across a wide range looking for game is the one that pops up in people minds as being totally unsafe. And of course it totally is. I hope I'm not speaking out of turn for anybody, but maybe the people who don't use binoculars just bring their rifle up when they are 90% sure that they see a deer or other animal that they're hunting. Then they look at it in the scope to confirm. Not saying that is 100% safe either, as that "animal "could be another hunter walking through the woods. But I would argue that that is not as unsafe or totally irresponsible as someone who just has the rifle up all the time panning back-and-forth. Maybe I'm wrong. There are very few hunters that I know who use a dedicated pair of binoculars while rifle hunting. Not saying it's right, just a fact.

As to carrying a small pair of binoculars while bow hunting for small game, I've found I spot way more game and verify way more game and verify that – yes laugh if you will – a squirrel I see 50 or 60 yards away is big enough for me to want to pursue. Hey, there are tiny squirrels that sound really big, and there are squirrels that really are big and worth putting a stalk on!

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Shouldering a rifle and panning back and forth is a military method. I've never seen a hunter doing it.

I think most of us don't shoulder the rifle until we know our target and are ready to shoot.
I hope that I am never on the same Mountain with you.
Your Rifle is for harvesting game, not for spotting game.
you are a unsafe hunter. IMHO

Mods please lock this thread.

Thanks to all of those that had constructive and good advice.

To the rest of you. I hope that the people that you asking for assistance treat you better then you have chosen to treat me. I have always felt it is better to assist and correct an incorrect action instead of bashing or berating.

Again thank you to all that were willing to help!!

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