PEAX Equipment

White sheep in my sights

Man, that looks like a whopper.
Congrats on a great hunt.
There was no way I was going to try to get around the cliffs in the dark with a loaded pack. The pictures really don’t portray the terrain that well. He died in a steep chute that was half cliff, half water, half shale grease.





I finished him up about 2AM, I tried to take a short nap, only to keep waking myself out of fear of falling off the mountain. I had the pack loaded by 5 and was heading off the mountain inch by inch. The GPS said 900 feet to the creek bottom below, but I had no idea what the creek would be like. Choked up with willows, waterfalls, easy trails? Turns out it was the second. I ended up shuttling meat/gear the first mile or so until I was on semi flat ground and decent caribou trails. Then it was 2 miles to the beginning of the swamp, and another 3 miles of bush whacking. I got back to camp at noon, 20 hours from start to finish, completely worn out…

I was pretty much at my limit weight wise. I’m not sure how a guy could go on a solo sheep hunt, pack all gear and a sheep. The meat, horns and cape weighed 85 lbs, toss in a pack, rifle, binos, range finder, water, etc, etc, I was pushing 110lbs. With a decent tail 100lbs isn't bad, not having a trail sucked! No sooner had I arrived and my hunting partner says we should call for a pick up and lets get packed… The hike was worth every painful second.


The plane showed up about 2 hours later. Luckily the camp was only about ½ a mile from the strip, unlike the previous camp which was 3 miles and nearly 2000 vertical.


It was an amazing adventure and one I plan to do every year if I can work it in. I’d rank this trip on the same level as Africa, but with a lot more bugs. It seemed like the days just few by, even the ones we were stuck in a tent.
That is a stud of a ram. Love the mass. Care to share any numbers? How old is he?
Sounds like you two had a great hunt! You're lucky to have a lady who enjoys it with you.
Congrats and thanks for sharing the pictures
Absolutely awesome ram. Great hunt it sounds like and you got it done with time ticking off the clock. Congrats, love the dark horns on that ram.
How awesome is that. Great hunt and great shooting. 2 sweet trophies! Way to go with good pictures to boot! Man I want to do that...
Age... Well the bio aged him at 7, then changed her mind to 9, then to 8, then to 10, and finally wrote it down as 9... ;)

The rest of us adged him at 10.

Awesome! Way to get it done. I'd say 9.5 possibly even 10.5 years old, great ram either way. I'm guessing 37" with 13.25" bases???
Congrats to your partner on the bear too.
A year ago today my partner and I we're humping our rams and gear the last couple miles to the landing strip. Wish I was out there right now, oh well there's always next year...
Very nice ram Bambistew, congrats! TB, sheep season is still on for another 21 days bud, don't give up yet! I'm going this weekend to see if I can locate 1 for the wife and I.
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