Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

White House Budget Cuts LWCF by $120 Million

The amount of leftist snowflakes has become stifling on this site.
I shall post here no more. This site is a wealth of information to the new, wide-eyed people yearning for a western experience and help on a number of other issues. I get that and I have done my best to contribute, but I am sick and tired of seeing pure trash posted on here by Tequila and other, that absolutely assaults what this country needs to put everything back in line.
Adios, amigos y que te vaya bien. Ya sali'.

Goodbye, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
When I was a young man in my 20's I used to frequent a few local pubs in Billings with a few of my friends on the weekends. Occasionally some blowhard feeling his wheaties couldn't control his mouth and so I did it for him. They said a lot less than what Hooper just posted. He's lucky he didn't frequent the same places I did back then. Now I'm to damn old to do anything but laugh at these comedians like Hooper.
Until you have 50 states setting up their own chemical regulations, restricting which chemicals can be used, manufactured, and transported in each of the 50 states. And then a couple of the states saying product can't be shipped or grown or used with such and such a chemical.

And Industry having to comply with 50 different sets of regulations.

A huge cluster.

True, but the budget doesn't eliminate the EPA just cuts its budget. He has not called for every CFR to be eliminated and replaced by state regulations. The remaining 69% of the EPA budget he is calling for is enough for them to continue to make sure the State DEQ's are enforcing Federal regulations. The rubber meets the road on a State level. The EPA does little more than monitor State compliance and create more hurdles. I am fortunate to work closely with several Wyoming DEQ folks and I have yet to have one tell me that the EPA is a smooth running efficient agency. Almost to a person I hear the opposite. My personal experience with the EPA is that they are slow, needlessly cumbersome, a bureaucratic nightmare and overly expensive. The State DEQ's are quite the opposite.

Heck the EPA has so totally run out of actual pollutants to regulate the have moved on to CO2.


Taken in by the snake oil!

You like many miss the point, it is not how much tax is paid it is the percentage paid by the individual.

The rich, have Wayyyyyyyy more income and pay much less in tax percentage. Many rich individuals can reduce their rate to some crazy low level, remember Mitt Romney's 14 percent rate, same with corporations that have loop holes and shelters.

I like most middle class also pay much more in other taxes like sales tax.

Here is the key, and something that you do not hear on Fox News.......... The one percent, own more wealth than the bottom 90%.

As one of my professors in college said, "Trust in God, all others bring data"



Yes, the top 1% and 10% pay a much higher % of income tax than anyone else. You can cherry pick one individual for one year and there could be instances where they paid a low %, but overall the numbers don't support that.

The latest data I could easily find was 2012.

The top 1% made 1.9 trillion and paid 451 billion in taxes for an effective rate of 22.8%. The highest effective rate of any bracket.

The top 10% made 4.3 trillion and paid 831 billion in taxes. The effective rate drops down to 19.2% when you include all of the top 10%.

The remaining 90% made $4.7 trillion and paid 353 billion in taxes. The effective rate for these 90% comes out to be 7.5%.

As an FYI the bottom 50% made 1.0 trillion and paid 32 billion in taxes. An effective rate of 3.3%. Actually once you get down a little lower the effective rate ends up at 0% and then swaps to where people start actually getting paid to file their taxes.

Those pesky facts again.

You can throw in corporations and sales tax and all that fun stuff if you want. The top corporate tax rate is 34% and when I do a financial statement audit I would be very concerned if a taxable corporation didn't have at least a 34% tax expense. There are deferred taxes and current taxes and I have seen many instances where one or the other many be higher or lower due to NOL's, large depreciation expense and a lot of other reasons. Any corporate earnings that are paid out in dividends get taxed again by the individual receiving them.

As far as sales and other taxes, I would suggest that you think that through a bit before you start comparing because those darn 1% folks end up paying some unbelievable amounts in property taxes every year. Way more than us normal folks even make.

I for one am happy those guys are willing to stick around and pay a disproportionate share of taxes. Last thing I want to do is run them all off.

Keep trying to divert and point in other directions. I'm not the one falling for snake oil.

P.S. - I'm not saying that the top income earners shouldn't pay more than their fair share of taxes. I'm just saying that in fact they are. Don't let the facts confuse you on that.
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When I was a young man in my 20's I used to frequent a few local pubs in Billings with a few of my friends on the weekends. Occasionally some blowhard feeling his wheaties couldn't control his mouth and so I did it for him. They said a lot less than what Hooper just posted. He's lucky he didn't frequent the same places I did back then. Now I'm to damn old to do anything but laugh at these comedians like Hooper.

Hooper speaks the truth. Public lands, outdoor recreation, and sportsman rights are very important but they pale in comparison to the real problems we face. $20T debt, divided country, world in crisis. I'm thrilled we finally have leadership putting Americans first and looking to create opportunities again.

The p$%$ing and moaning about budget cuts is laughable.

Troy Rushton
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When I was a young man in my 20's I used to frequent a few local pubs in Billings with a few of my friends on the weekends. Occasionally some blowhard feeling his wheaties couldn't control his mouth and so I did it for him. They said a lot less than what Hooper just posted. He's lucky he didn't frequent the same places I did back then. Now I'm to damn old to do anything but laugh at these comedians like Hooper.

They couldn't control their mouths and you couldn't control your temper. Something to look back on and be proud.

Hooper was a tad bit course, but he was right...
Hooper speaks the truth. Public lands, outdoor recreation, and sportsman rights are very important but they pale in comparison to the real problems we face. $20T debt, divided country, world in crisis. I'm thrilled we finally have leadership putting Americans first and looking to create opportunities again.

The p$%$ing and moaning about budget cuts is laughable.

Troy Rushton

So let's cut programs that people like and strip agencies of being semi capable and with what we cut, let's give that to defense and a wall Mexico was suppose to pay for. Then let's cut taxes and watch the deficit go up.

I see what you're saying, but this plan isn't it.

And anyone trying to argue our defense isn't capable of protecting us as is OR less than it currently is. Come on... Don't make me laugh.
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Back to the OP. There are huge amounts of money wasted in all Federal Agencies including the Dept. of the Interior. I have seen a brand new D6 dozer delivered to a DOI facility, stay parked near a barn, and not be moved for 4 years. I have seen a top of the line air boat delivered to a facility, and used maybe 2 or 3 times over 5 years. When the end of the fiscal year comes, and a facility has money left in their budget, there is a frenzy of spending to piss away the money, and empty their accounts, or their budget for the next year will be reduced accordingly. They piss that money away on frivolous, foolish spending. I have seen huge office buildings erected where the 4 - 5 employees stationed there can't even find each other. All Federal Agencies need to better plan their spending of our tax dollars !!!!!
Back to the OP. There are huge amounts of money wasted in all Federal Agencies including the Dept. of the Interior. I have seen a brand new D6 dozer delivered to a DOI facility, stay parked near a barn, and not be moved for 4 years. I have seen a top of the line air boat delivered to a facility, and used maybe 2 or 3 times over 5 years. When the end of the fiscal year comes, and a facility has money left in their budget, there is a frenzy of spending to piss away the money, and empty their accounts, or their budget for the next year will be reduced accordingly. They piss that money away on frivolous, foolish spending. I have seen huge office buildings erected where the 4 - 5 employees stationed there can't even find each other. All Federal Agencies need to better plan their spending of our tax dollars !!!!!

Don't use facts, Uou812 will call you out! John
Hope Hoop changes his mind, I'll take coarse frankness over simpering sour grapes bitchassed'ness anytime.
My internship when I was in college was with the Ohio EPA as a "fish-shocker" for the summer. True, it isn't federal...but the amount of wasted money/assets I saw was mind-blowing. The first few days there were a real eye-opener. One of the first things we did was clean out all of the old waders from the previous summers interns and get them off of the drying racks and disposed of in the dumpster. Granted, nobody wanted to be using the waders somebody had sweated all summer in the previous year. The real eye-opener was when they asked us the throw out the brand new waders that were still in the box and in storage. There were dozens of pairs....easily enough to supply all us interns for the summer. They went in the dumpster...without ever being taken from the box or having the tags removed. The next day, there were pallets of new waders that they had ordered in....just like the ones we threw away the day before.

Another example: They replaced all of the copiers with new copiers that used a lighter, more "environmental friendly" paper. The stockroom had 3 full pallets of the old style paper. All of it was thrown away. We asked if we could donate it to a elementary school just down the road from the office, and even volunteered to take it down on our own time and with our vehicles. The answer was a resounding "NO" explanation...just no.

There are many more stories from the 8 months or so I spent there I could tell you...but I'd probably need a book. It was without a doubt the most wasteful place I ever worked. I don't agree necessarily with all of the budget cuts and what they will affect...but I without a doubt agree that agencies need audited and held accountable for using our money.
When I was a young man in my 20's I used to frequent a few local pubs in Billings with a few of my friends on the weekends. Occasionally some blowhard feeling his wheaties couldn't control his mouth and so I did it for him. They said a lot less than what Hooper just posted. He's lucky he didn't frequent the same places I did back then. Now I'm to damn old to do anything but laugh at these comedians like Hooper.

They couldn't control their mouths and you couldn't control your temper. Something to look back on and be proud.

Hooper was a tad bit course, but he was right...

Never looked for a physical confrontation but I'm pretty sure those who did thought twice about it the next time they did? I'm 62 now so there's quite a bit in my life not to be proud of but more that I am proud of, standing up for myself I'm extremely proud of.

IMO Hoopers rant was insane, he wasn't right about anything he spewed.
Never looked for a physical confrontation but I'm pretty sure those who did thought twice about it the next time they did? I'm 62 now so there's quite a bit in my life not to be proud of but more that I am proud of, standing up for myself I'm extremely proud of.

IMO Hoopers rant was insane, he wasn't right about anything he spewed.

Hooper called it correct.
Well this turned out swimmingly.

Back to the budget cuts to Interior & USDA:

1.) The budget cuts are not shared across the spectrum in these agencies. Divisions that work on conservation were slashed, while divisions that focus on oil, gas and mining were beefed up. The cuts didn't hurt any extraction industry aspect of the budget except the ones where sportsmen care the most: wildlife, wildlife management, habitat improvement and access programs. These cuts fly in the face of Zinke's SO signed his first day, and make that order worthless.

2.) Cutting LWCF to pay for Park infrastructure is a Bishop wish list item. We've just had a president eliminate, effectively, the most popular access program in the United States to pay for the infrastructure that Trump said we'd pay for in other ways. Say goodbye to projects like Red Hill, new Wildlife Management Areas, Fishing Access Sites, City Parks, etc. This program used to fund most of those things.

3.) Funding to keep Asian Carp out of the Great Lakes, while continuing the clean up in those lakes that would create much better sport and commercial fishing was cut to 0%. Unless restored by the House, this cut will have serious effects to a multitude of species and industries, as well as placing the burden solely on the backs of the states, who can't afford to fund these programs at their needed levels.

4.) From The TRCP Press release on the budget:

Undermanned agencies could be faced with the choice to close down access points, stop habitat management, or place heavy financial burdens on the states, which sets a dangerous precedent for the transfer of management authority on America's public lands. The budget proposal actually indicates that state and local governments will have increased responsibility for the execution of federal programs. Expecting cash-strapped states to pay for natural resources, a critical part of the federal-state partnership, is troublesome and may lead to less management, less enforcement, and stressed fish and wildlife populations.

5.) Trump's budget is a direct contrast to his campaign promises of better managing the lands, and being "excellent stewards" of them. Nobody from the conservation community expected mom & apple pie. What we did expect is for a president who ran as the sportsman's candidate to actually live up to his rhetoric and not slash the exact programs he championed while sucking up for your vote. Cutting programs that help rural Americans get clean water, fight invasive species and manage public lands for multiple use shouldn't be viewed as a liberal versus conservative fight. It should be viewed for what it is:A gift to the same people who have tried to steal your public lands for decades, and who have tried to eliminate public land access programs.
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