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Which states....?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
...require that you buy a license to apply for big game tags? I'm thinking that Calif., AZ, and NV are the only ones, but not sure.

Which states is it possible to just put in for preference points? I know you can in UT and in WY for moose and sheep. Any others?
Washington, Oregon, and Idaho you need to purchase the license first, at least for deer and elk.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-23-2004 19:51: Message edited by: Washington Hunter ]</font>
Here in New Mexico, you may only buy a big game license AFTER you have successfully drawn a tag. You may buy a license that covers trapping, small game, and fowl, as well as varmints anytime, and to my knowledge, you may still buy cougar tags over the counter.

They have a coded system for the different hunts in different areas. Say you want the late rifle elk hunt in Rio Arriba County, there is a code that you enter on the tag application obtained from the hunting proclamation. They also offer a first and second choice, and if you apply as a group (I believe up to four people can put in on the same application)and are successful in the draw, it guarantees that each applicant on the form has drawn.

This strikes me as a bit odd that one would buy the license before drawing a tag. What if you don't draw a tag at all? Is it just a donation then?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-23-2004 21:38: Message edited by: RogueWarrior1957 ]</font>
Pointer, You are correct on the preference points for Moose & Sheep in Wyoming.

You do not need a big game liscence in Wyoming. The only thing you need is the game tag, ie.....elk tag, deer tag ect..... but I think you already know that from before.
Colorado allows you to just apply for a preference point for deer, elk and antelope, but you have to submit the full license price with the app. They then send you a refund three months later, minus the $3 app fee. I think that system makes a lot more sense than the WY system. It would keep numbers restricted to those who really wanted to hunt the species. I sure don't want to hunt sheep or moose in WY badly enough right now to send in the full amount, but since it only costs me $7 to get a point, why not? I'm sure I'll want to apply there someday.

Washington hunter is Correct.. The Only difference is Even if you don't DRAW... you can Still hunt over the Counter here in Idaho, whuch I think you can't in any of the other states.

... ?
Washington is the same as Idaho, if you don't draw you can still hunt the general deer and elk seasons. Of course the general deer season is before the rut, and general elk season is after the rut. Special permits are generally for cows/does, late season mule deer (rut) or any bull elk in eastern Wa. (general elk season is spike only.) Oregon is similar in that they still have general seasons you can hunt with OTC tags, but for deer the general season is only for blacktails in western Oregon. No OTC mule deer tags, except for archery. They have OTC elk tags for both sides of the state, but eastern Oregon is mostly spike only in the units that are open.
It isn't mandatory to buy the licence in Az & Nevada, you can still draw a tag before you buy the licence, but you don't get any points unless you buy the licence frist. If you don't draw, you can still use the licence to hunt non-draw species. ( yea, right, like I'm going to drive 500 miles to hunt dove & yotes ) For the most part, the licence fee is just a donation if you don't draw. Look at it like paying $120 per point.
Colorado & Utah have cheap points.
A-con, isn't it true in Arizona and Nevada that without any points you have almost zero chance of ever drawing?

RogueWarrior, I think the reason for requiring a license to apply, or in other states to get points, is to limit the applications to only the most serious hunters. It's probably more so just a way for the states to bring in more income, or like you said a donation. But I'm sure it does help to keep the odds of drawing better for those who do apply.
The state of Washington is now having a raffle for a lifetime License,I think the raffle tickets are like $6.50.Just another way to make more money but it would be nice to draw one of them buggers that sure would save some cash each year.
One thing I failed to mention about NM. The three prime trophy areas of the state for deer and elk are Sargeants, Humphries, and Valle Vidal Wildlife areas. They are set up in the proclamation as prime areas and have their own set of codes. There is a very limited lottery type draw for these areas. I've never hunted these areas, as no motorized traffic is allowed, I don't have horses which are allowed, and I have knee problems that prevent me from making the 15 mile hikes that I did a few years ago. I have seen some of the animals that came out of these areas...and they're breath-taking.

Thanks fellas! Beings that I've applied for jobs in three states I'm not sure where I'll be, so I'm wanting to start accruing some pref. points.
washington I have lets see, 8 bonus points for deer in AZ, so what do you think? Oh yeah I cant even count how many I have for antelope and bighorn, its almost a joke every time I apply!
Each point is like having another lotto ticket. Odds are pretty low even with five or six points. Archery, and non-rut hunts are much better odds, but still a long shot.

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