Which state to Merriam turkey hunt?

Uh, S.D. is being proactive and protecting the bird population. They also are listening to the concerns of resident hunters and acting accordingly, as they should. Save the whiny entitled sickening chit.
1.2 million acres of public land enough said
Residents of their beloved states have a right to be protective, no matter where that is. There are over 14 million hunters in the United States, the vast majority live East of the Mississippi. A large number of them want to go West and have the experience, problem is that influx is changing the experience.
If you are a non resident you should have no say in a States Game Laws and just go along with them. My Opinion.
Ok I have settled on one of the hunts to take my son on. We want to do a merriam turkey hunt. So which state has the best public land with easy to get tags? We are coming from Missouri so I know we will have a drive. Looking to camp out and enjoy a father son adventure. Trying to start planning now so we can get everything lined out.

Thank for any information
Not sure if youre still looking for advice, nut I am in Colorado and the birds are starting to boom! There is a lot of good public land to hunt out here. especially if you dont mind going for a little hike to find em. There is nothing better than watching the sunrise in the mountains and listening to the gobbles! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Well I am still looking but will probably have to put the trip off until next year. My son is so busy I don't see how we can make it happen this year. Im proud of him and he is really killing it this year heck from the end of march to the first of august he only has 3 weeks he will be home. And in April he is competing at FBLA state and FFA state. Colorado wouldnt be bad especially if he makes it into the Air Force Academy I will be going out to visit as much as I can