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Which handgun as a backup?

I've lived and hunted in grizzly country since 1975. For many years I carried either a Ruger 7 1/2" Super Blackhawk .44 mag or a Gov't model 1911 .45 acp. both loaded with my hard cast handloads. I killed a black bear with each of them, but not in self defense. I have also shot quite a few grouse with each of them. Most of the black and grizzly bears that I've encountered in the woods have run off as soon as they saw me except one grizzly that wouldn't run off until I threw and hit him with a rock, and one sow black bear that attacked one of our Forest Service trail crew workers when he unknowingly got between her and her cubs. An hour later when the FS LEO, a Sheriff Deputy and I arrived at the scene, she charged us. All three of us had either a rifle or shotgun and we fired simultaneously and killed her.

Antelope hunting in the plains of eastern Montana I'll often carry a Ruger SA .22 LR, mainly for snakes. But the only rattlesnake that I shot there was with my .257 Ackley rifle, then I stomped the three little ones with her.

Before my ex-wife stole it, I also had a 4" S&W .357 that was easy to carry and fun to shoot. I replaced it with a stainless 6" S&W .357 that I sometimes carry.

A year or so ago I bought a stainless 4" S&W .44 mag. It's heavy, but not too bad to carry, and it's fun to shoot especially with .44 special cartridges.

And just for BrentD, I have both a .36 and .44 caliber BP revolvers, and I carried one once on a BP deer hunt in NW Colorado, but I would never even consider carrying one now for a personal defense pistol.

9mm has nowhere near the capability of the .357 Mag...
And a .357 mag has nowhere near the capability of a .44 mag...:D
Get what fits you best. I like Springfield XDm or Mod2s, but you may like a S&W, Glock, or revolver better. You will shoot better what fits you best, and you will also be far more likely to practice with it.

9mm, .40S&W, .357 are all available in most locations, but if you handload and want a lightweight revolver then don’t overlook a Ruger SP101 in .327 Federal
In the interest of throwing out more suggestions, that Ruger LCRx .357 with the 3 inch barrel looks like a great lightweight option for backpackers...

You won’t be able to mess up a revolver when you need it to fire, you might mess up a semi auto. I am a hypocrite and usually carry a Glock 20 in the mountains (only because of a whole lot of training with a Glock).
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I have both the Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan (which is also great to carry in the winter), and the Super Redhawk 9 1/2 barrel in 44 magnum. I would agree that neither would i feel the need to shoot a coyote with. Those would either be personal protection for people, or bears. Between the two, I love shooting the Alaskan with the 44 special from a consistency standpoint, because I know for sure when I need shoot it at something/somebody, it is tremendously accurate.
I dont hunt in grizzly country, and I wanted an all around pistol for carry, animal defense, etc. so I bought a m&p shield 9mm. I mostly hunt solo and was concerned that a close encounter would make it difficult to use my rifle (or bow) and I could maybe get to a handgun if an animal was on top of me. I know lion attacks are rare but from what I read you dont know they are a threat until they are already on you. Would like to get some hardcast ammo like the buffalo bore but for now I have some fmj flat nose bullets.

The shield can be found for <$350. Pretty affordable. Only problem is the max capacity is 10+1 so maybe a glock 19 would be better. The shield is very light tho.
Since I am also in AZ and seemingly have nothing better to do for the moment I'm going to weigh in here as well.

What I carry really depends on the where and what I am doing at the moment. For urban carry, I've always got a Sig 365 at 4o'clock

But, once I leave the concrete jungle for the cacti and mesquite, I tend to carry a .22lr revolver (Heritage RR 6.5" shooting CCI Stingers) for snake, small game and the very odd chance at a close coyote. This also doubles for many gun hunts regardless of if I've got the shotgun for quail/dove or a rifle for deer. I like having a small bore option handy.

When the mood strikes me and I want more oomph, I carry a Judge magnum, with the first 2 slots holding 3" #6 shot loads and followed by .45LC in the following 3. I've got the one with the 6.5" barrel and have carried it (unsuccessfully) on HAM javelina jaunts. For being a large handgun, it really does carry well.

If I had to choose 1 gun in my collection that I would be comfortable carrying regardless of the situation? It'd be that P365, hands down. It's accurate and it'll handle anything you might need to ask of it in AZ, whether or not it's 4-legged, 2-legged or even 0-legged

I've been entertaining the notion of a new bigger bore handgun for trail carry with a pack or on the horses, and I think a 3" or 4" .357 DA revolver would be about ideal for any situations I can think of in AZ.

After re-reading your post @mrjashu , I think my actual recommendation might be for a .22 Mag revolver, like a Heritage Rough Rider or a Ruger Single-six. For shooting rabbits and whatnot, maybe give that 4" .357 a thought as well and load it with .38s. You may be happy with the combo
I'm in Southern Commiefornia.......similar to AZ in many ways except politically. I just sold my beautiful Ruger Redhawk I found the 357 Ruger GP100 did all for me as a side arm even when carrying my rifle in the hills/desert.
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