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Which gun to pick

Just my preferences:
1) Rem 600. the 222Rem is a unique cartridge for that rife.
2) Ruger 96 44 Mag. I have one & love it.
3) Ruger Blackhawk 45.
...I will say to count your blessings here too, recognize that this is often more of a sentimental situation and not just about getting what you want. My grandad passed away and had enough guns in the safe that all the grandkids could pick one, with the most sentimental being his M1 carbine he shipped home in pieces from WW2 and his service revolver, and we were just going to draw random lots to see who got what. My cousin made a huge stink about not just getting the M1 just because he was the oldest and wouldn't accept drawing from the hat, so my uncle (my grandad's only son) just decided to take ALL the guns home with him and none of us got anything. It was really sad.
Can relate to that all too well.
Winchester 94 followed closely by the Remington pump 20, especially if it's a Wingmaster.
...I will say to count your blessings here too, recognize that this is often more of a sentimental situation and not just about getting what you want. My grandad passed away and had enough guns in the safe that all the grandkids could pick one, with the most sentimental being his M1 carbine he shipped home in pieces from WW2 and his service revolver, and we were just going to draw random lots to see who got what. My cousin made a huge stink about not just getting the M1 just because he was the oldest and wouldn't accept drawing from the hat, so my uncle (my grandad's only son) just decided to take ALL the guns home with him and none of us got anything. It was really sad.
I get what you are saying and sorry for your situation. This particular one from what I know isn't as complicated. Its my wife's grandpa but he has not been in any of his kids (or grandkids) lives for a very long time. My wife has never met him. I do not know the specifics other than my wife's mom asked her to look through the list and pick out a top 3 desired because from the will she was going to receive one of them. Also asked us to let them know this week if we would like to purchase anything else from the fam price listed if any of them are leftover after each person in the will receives their gun.

Very weird unexpected situation but we aren't going to ask questions or worry about it based on those simple instructions and just follow them!
I think the plastic stock tube magazine .22 is almost certainly a Nylon 66. Snap that one up! It is definitely the most collectible of the lot.
I already see a theme of win 94 and marlin BEE. Must be some love for old lever actions on here and I guess I don't really blame any of you for that love. We don't own a lever action rifle so...
You really want a fun hunt, grab that 94 and stalk a elk. Something unique and special about carring a levergun on a mountain!

What gun on that list would you want to pases down to your kid??? Good luck
You really want a fun hunt, grab that 94 and stalk a elk. Something unique and special about carring a levergun on a mountain!

What gun on that list would you want to pases down to your kid??? Good luck
I don't have any kids (and won't be) but there is one gun in my collection that would for sure be the one getting handed down the family line (so one of my nieces). Its a Savage Mk1 from 1943 that has blood stains on it from the Germans that it killed (or so the story goes). Cool gun and I always look at it every time wondering what in the hell it was like to have fired that gun in those moments that led to the bloodstains ending up on the stock and forearm.
I don't have any kids (and won't be) but there is one gun in my collection that would for sure be the one getting handed down the family line (so one of my nieces). Its a Savage Mk1 from 1943 that has blood stains on it from the Germans that it killed (or so the story goes). Cool gun and I always look at it every time wondering what in the hell it was like to have fired that gun in those moments that led to the bloodstains ending up on the stock and forearm.
There would be no price that would be able to send that one down the road. Always love the stories that come from passed down firearms.
A family member we never really knew passed away and apparently had a big gun collection. For whatever reason, somehow the will has us receiving a gun. We need to submit 1st 2nd and 3rd choice. A lot of these guns I'm unfamiliar with and rather than researching each and every one, thought maybe HT could just help.

We don't need any specific type of gun. We would be looking for uniqueness, rarity, value, etc over anything practical here.

View attachment 263606View attachment 263607
Savage 99
Rem 600
Win 100
The top two i would have chosen have already been vouched for by Beth and Shalee. I'd grab the Win 94.
I asked on the Marlin Collectors Forum and the site owner says the 1894 was made in 218 Bee starting in 1990. It is also available in the 1992 catalog but not the 1994 catalog. It was this person's opinion that it may be worth a premium being a very short run caliber. So, expect a modern 1894 and not a 19th or early 20th century gun.
...I will say to count your blessings here too, recognize that this is often more of a sentimental situation and not just about getting what you want. My grandad passed away and had enough guns in the safe that all the grandkids could pick one, with the most sentimental being his M1 carbine he shipped home in pieces from WW2 and his service revolver, and we were just going to draw random lots to see who got what. My cousin made a huge stink about not just getting the M1 just because he was the oldest and wouldn't accept drawing from the hat, so my uncle (my grandad's only son) just decided to take ALL the guns home with him and none of us got anything. It was really sad.
Yeah this stuff gets tricky. When my grandpa passed away, my mom was looking for his garrison cap from ww2, and couldn’t find it in any of the boxes of stuff. Come to find out her brother had just thrown it out, not thinking anything of it.

Never know what’s going to mean something to someone, or who’s going to make a stink over something unexpectedly.

Surprisingly none fought my brother for the 20ga sxs, despite him being nowhere near the oldest of the grandkids. Story goes when they went through the German villages at the end of the war they confiscated all the guns. Must have liked this one, because he brought it back. Gorgeous hand engraving (exposed hammers and all) and wood checkering, but it was left in a basement untouched for decades and the stock split, buttpad is crumbling, and the steel is very tarnished.
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