Which Elk magazine


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
So I am thinking I am going to subscribe to one of the 2 elk mags, Extreme Elk or Elk Hunter. I dont know a lot about either, so I would appreciate some input from those who have read one or both. I am sure they are both very good mags.

I am looking for a mag that gives some good how-to instruction, has some good stories (I just love me a good elk story!), and good photography. I am not interested in reading about some rich schmuck hunting on some big private ranch. DIY for the vast majority....but a story about a guided hunt on occasion can be good as well. I really like Bugle, they have great stories, but are a little thin on the instruction.

So, what say you guys? Which one best fits my requirements?
I saw Extreme Elk first and ordered it. I really like the magazine!(although I would like to peek through Elk Hunter as well)
I have free access to nearly any hunting rag out there and I've seen one issue of each, and they are both packed with solid info and great stories. I rarely read any magazine cover to cover anymore, and I would read every word of either of these, would maybe even pay to read either of them...
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Is the Extreme Elk magazine as Extreme as it seems?

Looked like in some of the stuff that it was more along the lines of guys taking steroids to pump up at the gym so they could hit the hills in the fall. It looked over the top with the bicep curls and stuff.

I'm done with my free issue of Elk Hunter and I'm thinking about signing up for 2 years of it and Western Hunter for $39.99 on special. I've gotten some free copies of Western Hunter before and wasn't super impressed, but am thinking with the new editor it might improve and be worth the extra $10 for 2 years of it.
I would buy both. You get expert opinions from a couple different sources about a lot of the same things and can use parts of both to fit your style and improve your skills.
I just got a free issue of elk hunter and thought it was real good.I may not like some of the people involved in it,but I find that with all the orgs. out there.haven't seen extreme elk at all,but not interested if its big on "you have to be a tri-athelete to hunt elk"Never remembered my biceps ever coming into the equation while elk hunting.Legs and back yes,but arms no.I train my legs alot to prepare,and loss some lbs a month or 2 before my hunts;works well for me.Can't remember the last ironman I ran,cause I never had,but can still shoot a bull every now and then in unscouted areas from 2000 miles away
Why would you buy a elk hunting magazine when you can read better stories, and see much better pictures here on this forum?

I haven't bought a hardcopy magazine in years. Some of the guys on this site are far better writers than anything in a magazine, and, if you know which guys, some of them are amazing photographers.
A whole bunch of votes for both....I was afraid of that as I have heard good things about both. Problem is, I dont have time to read 2 more magazines, so I am going to have to pick....and when I do I will feel a little bad that I didnt pick the other I am sure.

Are either available in stores? In stores in Minnesota?
Well let's see! Beings I write a Column in the Elk Hunter Mag. I say choose that one! (big grin) Plus I see you too are an ElkNut!!!

I just got a free issue of elk hunter and thought it was real good.I may not like some of the people involved in it,but I find that with all the orgs. out there.haven't seen extreme elk at all,but not interested if its big on "you have to be a tri-athelete to hunt elk"Never remembered my biceps ever coming into the equation while elk hunting.Legs and back yes,but arms no.I train my legs alot to prepare,and loss some lbs a month or 2 before my hunts;works well for me.Can't remember the last ironman I ran,cause I never had,but can still shoot a bull every now and then in unscouted areas from 2000 miles away

I never did get my free issue of Elk Hunter. Oh well. I'm sure both magazines have something to offer--even if you're not EXTREME. I might check one (or both) out down the road since I have such a 'thing' for elk. I've never seemed to get much in the way of tips from the articles (or at least they haven't stuck) so I'm encouraged to read that these mags have them.

I agree with Jose :eek: in saying you probably get better stories and pictures on this board than anything I've read in a magazine. Plus you get to interact with the author here.
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Hey guys,

Don't be fooled by the name "Extreme". Here is our mission statement:

"ex·treme [ik-streem] (adjective) – going to the utmost or very great lengths in action, habit,opinion, etc.

In a world where everything from video games to mocha’s are labeled as “Extreme”, how does an elk hunting magazine fit in? “Extreme Elk” Magazine is not entirely focused on the size of the elk, but more so on the experience of the hunter. Every elk hunter has a concept for what an “Extreme” elk hunt means to them…from training like a marathon runner to driving 2600 miles to spend their vacation chasing an elk, elk hunters often take extreme measures to pursue their unquenchable passion for elk hunting! It is upon these “extremes” that “Extreme Elk” Magazine will be based, and the extreme “nature” of the adventures will be the focus."

I realize that the word "Extreme" probably conjures up images of Rambo hanging out of a helicopter with a knife in his teeth, about to jump out onto the back of a 400" bull. As cool as that sounds, it's not the case. Our focus is on the adventure, and the details that make elk hunting extreme for each individual. Each issue is a perfect balance of instructional features and entertaining stories. The layout of the magazine is fresh and clean.

Every member of Extreme Elk Magazine, from the owners to the writers, editors, and submittors, are hardcore, elk hunting enthusiasts, who have a passion for elk and elk hunting. Each grew up cutting their teeth on elk hunting in DIY, OTC areas. It is upon those experiences that Extreme Elk was founded, and it is upon those principles that Extreme Elk will continue to function for many years to come.

Many thanks,
Corey Jacobsen
Extreme Elk Magazine
"I'm just hacking on ya Billy".

Been a while since I've posted my most "extreme" hero shot;)

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