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Which do you fear most?

What is your greatest corner-crossing fear?

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This is what I am worried about preparing for my first hunt out west. Used to hunting a lot of private, not the best map reader in the world. If I accidentally find myself in a corner I shouldn’t be, should I expect the worse even though it will be an honest mistake?

Get on x like everyone else now days no possible way to not know where you are on public vs private until your phone or gps goes dead ha ha. Seriously it’s too easy in my opinion to map out new areas with technology. (I use it but sometimes wish it didn’t exist because pretty much everyone will find your hidden public spots with on x etc.) I don’t hunt where I need to deal with corner crossing in Montana or Idaho and I haven’t hunted Wyoming. If it was me I would corner cross at will in Idaho and would corner cross Wyoming but I wouldn’t screw around with Montana, not sure it’s worth the hassle in Montana. Just me on the corner crossing issue. get on x or something like it. there is NO excuse for not knowing where you are with modern technology. The old honest mistake excuse of some of our youth definitely doesn’t work these days. Geez y’all I’m from Georgia and not a real good map reader I didn’t even know!!?? That won’t work 😂😂
Many of these new proposals and promises have come and gone throughout the past several decades. Technology seems to be helping and increased pressure by politicians and the public demanding greater access to our public lands but in the end all of the momentum swings back and forth as one side or the other tries to out maneuver the other. I have seem Montana and Wyoming landowner and Ag. Groups push for making corner crossings Illegal then a few years later Sportsmen get a politician to try and push legislation granting corner hopping as Legal access. No group has ever had the strength to push their sides agenda through the legislative process. Maybe in the end just doing local county by county easements and paying off landowners piece by piece may be the only way forward. Small landowners have less to lose so probably best to start with them.
This is what I am worried about preparing for my first hunt out west. Used to hunting a lot of private, not the best map reader in the world. If I accidentally find myself in a corner I shouldn’t be, should I expect the worse even though it will be an honest mistake?
Take a breath and relax. It’s not that big of a deal. There are always horror stories, but study the data I say. People are always scared of predator attacks. Study the data and buy a lottery ticket. Due your due diligence with proper equipment and you’ll be okay. The people I know that have really been shook down have NOT done their due diligence on top of openly breaking the law.
Can I ask why? What makes WY different than say ID or MT?

They all interpret trespassing differently. Idaho trespass laws require the landowner to post private adjacent to public if it’s not fenced or cultivated. Montana you have to know if you are on private. One example of private land in different states. Idaho it’s up to landowner in Montana it’s up too the hunters to know. Idaho I haven’t seen corned crossing even be an issue but it might be down south. In Montana my understanding is it’s illegal? But it seems like they go back and forth with the legality of it. Wyoming has had mixed interpretations is my understanding. I don’t worry about it in Idaho but it’s not worth it to me in Montana there is just too many places to hunt public. I don’t honestly follow the issue too close but all 3 state have a different view.