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Which broadhead for turkeys?

Art Vandeley

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2011
What do you guys use for broad heads on turkeys? Although it feels like the Arctic here and spring will never arrive, I'm sure it will. I would like to try and kill a turkey with my bow this year. I've heard some people use the big/wide broad heads for head shots, and some people just use what they normally shoot.

Thanks in advance.
Mechanicals, big ones , grim reaper, rage, etc.. don’t matter. Be the arrow.. aim small miss small..
I use same ones I do for regular season and body shot. I don't do the head shot. I won't wait to run up on one shot with an arrow though, they can and will still scoot.
I use same ones I do for regular season and body shot. I don't do the head shot. I won't wait to run up on one shot with an arrow though, they can and will still scoot.


I've been using Muzzy Trocar's and they have been excellent. Last two Tom's went 15 yards and bled out after body shots.
NAP gobbler getter which has a blunt tip and a 1.5" 3 blade cutting diameter or just the biggest blade rage broadhead you can find.
Whatever 1.5"-2" expendables I can find on sale. I haven't seen the need to buy top shelf expendables is required for turkey performance. Accuracy is far and away more important.
I shot one this fall with a Schwaker. Shooting a Bowtec Carbon Knight 70# 29 inch draw. I was in a tree stand and the arrow stayed in him, but when he was flopping around he must have unscrewed the head. He made it to a brush pile about 40 yds away. They don't leave much for a blood trail, so having an arrow stay in them helps if your not a head shooter.
I stock up on Rages when they go on clearance at Walmart. I won't use one on big game, but a 3 blade looks like a bomb went off inside the turkey. It totally destroys the blades, so that's why I stock up.
I use, love, and recommend Magnus Bullheads. They are built for head shots. No tracking, worrying about blood if they run, no worries about flying, nothing! Either you hit them and they are dead on the spot or you miss. I set up for 10-20 yrd shots. They shoot great at that distance. I would never go back to body shots after using these head shot broadheads. Plus magnus will replace blades if you break them. Serious, get them!!
Check out the NAP Spitfire XXX's. 3 blades and 2" diameter. I have shot several birds with these over the last couple of years and haven't had one go more than 15yds.
I like the big mechanicals (anything 1.75" or larger), I've settled on the Rage extreme heads (2.3") for a dedicated turkey head, but I've seen them shot with muzzy, NAP, Magnus etc
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