Where to live in Alaska?

As a single 27 year old, I'd say Anchorage.
Personally, I don't think I could live in ANC, but if I was offered an obscene amount of money I would think about commuting from Eagle River or something. Fairbanks too cold and limited fishing. Juneau and Ketchikan are too wet and too limited with hunting. Sitka would be about the only one I would consider personally, deer, goat and bear with decent salt water fishing.
Kodiak blows all those options out of the water though. Deer, elk, goat, bear and great stream fishing for kings, reds, and silvers. Not to mention one of the best saltwater fishing spots in the state. Also some of the best seaduck hunting around and enough puddle duck hunting to make it worth while. Maybe that's why I haven't left...
Go - now

Single and 27? Do it, man. No reason not to, and you'll regret it later if you don't.

Unless you REALLY like wet weather, Juneau and Ketchikan (and probably Sitka too) take a lot of adjusting to. Hard to adjust to rain almost every day, and lots of it, unless you have the right demeanor. Plus, Juneau probably has too many tree-huggers for a guy who likes to hunt.

Between Fairbanks and Anchorage, Anchorage has a lot more to offer a young single guy, and it's a LOT colder in Fairbanks in the winter. Unless you've been in some REALLY cold temps, I probably can't paint a picture of how cold it can get there.

Based in or near Anchjorage, you can drive to all of the hunting opportunities Bambistew mentioned, and have a number of fishing options as well. More shops and girls to choose from when you need, although the guys far outnumber the gals even in Anchortown.

Do it, bro. No place like Alaska in the world.
TBinKodiak: My wife and I spent four days at Kodiak Lodge at Larsen Bay in late June/early July. Caught lots of rock fish, big ling cod, but no halibut over 25 lbs. and not a single king salmon! Spent a lot of money too. Marvelous experience but I was disappointed in the fishing. Any suggestions?
My advice: Go later. Late July through August is usually the best fishing. That said the kings showed up on this end of the island in late June and hung around until mid August (lots of feed in close this year). Halibut have been tough all over, a horrible year for them. Commercial quota was cut in half also, lots of small ones but the big ones are few and far between. A friend of mine took some family down to a lodge in Larsen Bay in mid July, they got a few 50-60lbers but no big ones. I lost a 120-140 out here on my trolling rod, but other than that it was all 15-30lbers. Better eating anyway, but its nice to see the barndoors every so often too. Did see a 375 at the dock in late August so there are a few around.

TBinKodiak: My wife and I spent four days at Kodiak Lodge at Larsen Bay in late June/early July. Caught lots of rock fish, big ling cod, but no halibut over 25 lbs. and not a single king salmon! Spent a lot of money too. Marvelous experience but I was disappointed in the fishing. Any suggestions?
If you decide to move to Fairbanks plan on lowering your standards in regards to the ladies, all the cute ones fly south after leaving the nest. You'll need a trophy sized one to keep warm anyhow.