Where or How Do You Carry?

Spray on hip belt of pack. 10mm or 44 mag on drop leg holster that way if I don’t have pack I still have defense. I have not found a great drop leg holster yet but better than nothing.
Have you looked at the Blackhawk Serpa lvl 2 tac holster? Don't know what 10mm you carry but works well on my G22.
Have you looked at the Blackhawk Serpa lvl 2 tac holster? Don't know what 10mm you carry but works well on my G22.
I carry the Springfield XDm. I have never used the Serpa but have heard horror stories of them locking up and not releasing the firearm. I also do not believe they make one for the xdm but could be wrong. I want to look into a higher end drop leg but if it still has the tendency to slide down all the time like the cheaper versions I have used, I don’t want to spend the money on one. It’s kind of a conundrum. I know buy once cry once but I’m not sure the price will improve the functionality in this instance like with glass or a pack. But I could be wrong.
It might not be a problem but for some reason that is the only thing I think of when someone says Serpa. Weird how stuff like that/first impressions can affect you. Are you using a drop leg?
bear spray on right hip belt loop, my first defense.
.44 mag on a shoulder holster & tucked under my left arm, second defense or last resort
I've been doing this for 4 seasons and never gotten in my way to shoot my bow

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