Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Where in Africa would you go to hunt


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
What country would you want to hunt in if you were to go to Africa on a llimited budget?

What about unlimited?

for me it would probably be RSA in the limited and Tanzania in the unlimited.....chris
I'm thinking Zim is cheapest, but most dangerous. When I go, it'll probably be in RSA.
We have 3 different PH's we represent in Africa. One is located on the east Cape and is our cheapest, the one who hunts in Kalahari, Free State and Limpopo Bushveld is next and the PH we have that hunts in Tanzania offers all free ranging and totally wild hunts but is more pricey but he offers the True Wild African Safari, (no fences) he also offers top trophy animals and has several top spots in the SCI.
SJ, I'm not sure where your terminology comes from? Maybe English is not your first language? A PH is a "professional Hunter" not a hunting area.

The east cape is in South Africa they are both "RSA"

Not all game managed land in southern Africa is fenced. Certainly the Eastern Cape is fenced and the majority of big game is un-natural. However the opposite is true in Zulu land and the Northern Province. The game there is all natural and although much of the land is game fenced for management, it's so huge that the fencing is irrelevent. The Islands of SE Alaska are fenced by the sea but nobody claimes the bears are captive! In some hunting areas the properties are so massive that on foot you could hunt for months and never see a fence. Many properties are 10-100 times the home range of the game living there. Even if the fence was removed they would not likely leave the property.

The Fence is required by Nature conservation to give exempt status to the landowner which allows the landowner to establish the hunting seasons on his own land. More important is the quality of game management that would not be found if the boundries were not established and allowed others to wander in and very expensive game like black and white rhino to wander out. Many land holdings have sable and roan antelope. The investment of game this expensive must be maintained to insure the future of the game.

Finally RSA has the most strict export requirements of any African country where game is concerned. If it was found that an infected animal was killed on a property they would likely cull off all the game to prevent the spread of the problems. With a fenced property the contamination spread is limited to "that one property" This happened just a few years ago when a ship from Asia came to port in Natal and had pigs with swine fever on board. These pigs somehow got into RSA and put on a farm. Shortly after that bush pig and warthogs were showing up with this illness that was otherwise unknown for many many years. Nature Conservation got involved and shut down dozens of farms and was able to check or cull most of the animals that had this very contagious illness. They also tracked back the source. Imagine the investement in time over 75 years that could be washed away for something as simple as this! Your entire hunting operation and safari business gone because of some sloppy handling of an inbound animal. Consider that they may not have caught every animal involved and there may still be an outbreak looming!

The fences on the properties of 10K acres and greater are big enough to allow 100% natural existance of game and still manage it for trophy quality and population balance. RSA is the leader in game management in the world today. Where else on the planet can as many huge big game animals be harvested each year with no decline in trophy quality or quantity?
English is my first language Hack but I didn't mean to pee in your wheaties so I reworded my post to be most English correct. I know what PH means (duh) and I didn't say anywhere in my post that all of S. Africa was fenced. I assume by the way you reacted to my post that you must deal mainly in fenced hunts and mainly in S. Africa. We sell fenced hunts in Africa as well as free ranging too so there was no intent on my part to slam fenced hunts in S. Africa.
Still a bit of a content issue regarding the way this is written, PH's don't organise hunts unless they are also Outfitters, The two jobs and licenses are completley different. I know I have a PH license but not an Outfitter license! The text is better but was really confusing the way you had it the first time. There are so many international people on the net I assumed that with the referece to PH as it was in the orriginal post you just had a struggle with the language?

It's no doubt that the East Cape is the cheapest. It's dirt cheap land with no carrying capacity and fully stocked animals that do not live there naturally. I would sooner hunt them in Texas, it's just as natural a hunt there!

I'm a PH and a Landowner in RSA so I do most of the hunting there. About 75% is in game managed areas. We also hunt Kruger and Hluhluwe park which are the size of western Montana and they too are fenced. How that fence could possibly matter on a property that size is beyond me. The original intent of the fence was to keep the elephants from the huge agricultural holdings which surround the parks west central boundry. They still rip through the fence now and then which is where the hunting permits we get come from. Same with the lions which are thick in and out of the park there. All this game is free range in RSA
JJ, I wish that you would stop by the canned hunt thread in sportsmens issues an dhelp enlighten some of those that feelany high fence hunt is unethical. Naw, be a lost cause. :rolleyes: