Caribou Gear Tarp

where do you draw the line...


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
so we have been going through drama at work. most of it has to do with people who think that they are way better than they really are. l totally understand that self confidence is a good thing in moderation but l find that people tend to blur the line into getting arrogent. where is that line and how do you stay on the right side of it...
Need WAY more information here before I could comment..but it sounds like you don't like your co-workers or management assuming you have taken the time to address it with them.
I probably have too much confidence ... and pride ... and ability. Not a combination that is good for building bridges with others, especially incompetent coworkers who have no ability or intelligence and work at hiding it instead of improving themselves. Never was any good at keeping my head down. Life is too short and precious to waste it doing things poorly. Well, I think so anyway. A job was always about more than just signing a paycheck. Maybe it should not have been.
I let people like that puff themselves up because they are always discovered for what they are. The ones that don't have much to say and get the work done are the ones that make it.
Kinda like on here. There are some great hunters, I would venture to say the best in the world, but you don't hear them or see pictures from them on the huge animals they kill. They may drop a hint but no over the top "look what I did"! The other guys that brag about everything "they" killed or even didn't kill usually weed themselves out.
Ear buds and ignoring people. There’s always someone willing to step on you to make themselves look better but it’ll come out in the wash. I enjoy my job, but it’s a paycheck. The most important things are at home.

I tell my kids that they trade my time and stress level for money. Also, getting mad at work is futile… it only makes your blood pressure go up and solves nothing 😁
You can’t change people, all you can change is how you react to them. So draw your own line and turn it into something either positive for you or make it a nonissue.
Life is short, focus I on what really matters.

Read the Subtle Art of not giving a F*ck by Mark Manson, it will time well spent.
For me at work it isnt the people that think they know everything. Its the ones that get paid to do a job and they dont do the job. I come in and work from open to close and if i’m sitting idle, I find something to do. Where as others have no problem being on the clock and their phone. Those are also usually the same people that bitch about their pay and management not careing, yet dont put forth the effort to help themselves.
Office politics: Best damn entertainment in the world.
so we have been going through drama at work. most of it has to do with people who think that they are way better than they really are. l totally understand that self confidence is a good thing in moderation but l find that people tend to blur the line into getting arrogent. where is that line and how do you stay on the right side of it...
As determined by whom?

Kinda takes me back to the days when I got to listen to my teenage daughters bitch about classmates with their girlfriends. I kinda miss that.
I find it’s better to let people know what I think upfront rather than let it brew. The only person it’ll eat at is you.

Takes too much time to worry about idiots. Tell them they’re idiots and it’ll work itself out.
when you, like i try to, just act like you really don't know chit about #*^@#* and quietly do your job things go pretty well.
Quit trying to make sense out of nonsense.

Confidence is being able to back up what you say
Arrogance is saying what you cannot back up, this is the majority of people.

Most people think I am an Ahole. Its just that I am older now and don't have time for peoples petty victim feelings, or those who think they are something special.
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I like clear, repeated, realistic, boundaries. I have a co worker who will have everyone else do his job if possible, and literally cries when he doesn't get his way. I don't care. My improvement goals are to add history and philosophy classes, and classes on great literary works of history. His are to find a way to not take things personally, and to clearly state his expectations. I won't do his paper/computer work, won't carry his stuff, won't do anything, and I tell him that. He doesn't come to me anymore. He pesters those who won't make boundaries with him.