When will wood prices go back down?

And stimulus
Stimulus is a big factor as well.
Additionally, I’ve seen no shortage. Any wood I want...it’s available.
Local big boxes have STACKS of OSB.
I don’t know how people are even able to afford renovations, remodels and new homes. I just don’t.
I just walked a timber with a logger last week to mark trees. He was taking all the ash, select red and white oak, and only the best walnut. No hard maple or hickory. The prices the guys with standing timber to sell are getting is not reflecting the price at menards.
Very true.

My pops is still holding on to a small logging operation. The prices he is getting haven't moved very much over the past year.
I just walked a timber with a logger last week to mark trees. He was taking all the ash, select red and white oak, and only the best walnut. No hard maple or hickory. The prices the guys with standing timber to sell are getting is not reflecting the price at menards.
That's logging in a nutshell...
This past December when I was looking at the house we moved into in January, I noticed a big stack of 8"x8"x16' long treated timbers beside the house along with a pile of 2x4s and 1x6's. Like the previous owner had a big outdoor project planned but never followed through. Knowing what those timbers would cost if you were to buy them now, I debated whether to ask for them in the home purchase agreement or just stay silent and hope the owner would leave them. I stayed silent. Sure enough, there they laid the day I moved in. I joked with my wife we should sell them and pay off the remainder of the mortgage.

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