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What's your favorite shot?

There's 2 things you need to know about Tim. First is that his legs are like 4 ft long and he doesn't even slow down when he steps across the barb wire fences that he comes to. The height challenged camera man may want to bring along a step
Second thing is that I believe He's probably going to be hard to beat hunting in Southern Arizona. Your video sounds like a bestseller in the making. If you're taking orders for the finished product, put my name down so I get one as soon as they roll off the press.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-21-2003 20:54: Message edited by: Doug ]</font>
My favorite shot was when I was calling in arivipa canyon(during the couse deer rifle hunt) using my 22-250 and looking for a long shot over 500 yards.
something caught my eye, it was a yote running staright for me fast, it was 20 yards or closer. the yote was to close for the 22-250 so I unzipped my jacket and pulled my 357. yote still running and gaing ground . my first shot was less than 10 feet away I thinking closer to 5 feet, cause the first shot hit and I got sprayed with blood I sunk 5 more shots into the thing before it moved away from me, then finished it with my 22-250 I believe I hit it a total of 4 times and once with the 22-250..

I went over to it and half of his body was covered in mange, looks like a hairless version of the yote.

My second favorite shot was with my 50 bmg. Cause the thing didnt even know it was hit but moved back 10-20 yards never missing a foot step then just keeled over.

Dammint Mule!

I had a reply to make to

Uh, hell I forgot.

How long is that video, I've been watching for twenty minutes now!
That's cool Del!
Nothin like getin blood on you or the gun. Last October I had a coyote run right up to me. I just held the Swift out there and pulled the triger. 10' away. Ended up with guts on the barrel. Quite the rush.

My favorite shot is where I have caller 30 yards to my one or two o'clock position. A coyote coming from my back door or eight o'clock position, coming left to right and maintaining a fast trot, or that slow, floating lope, on a course that takes him between the caller and my sit. I love that shot, not that I set up for it, I generally want the coyote to come from the front, but when it does occur, makes me grin big time.
I'll vote for a straight on frontal anywhere inside 150 or so. Never had a coyote take a step after one of those. Broadside is always ok, but they seem to run a little ways or do the spins. I like when they just rock back on their haunches and flop over.
My favorite shot was a .338 Win.Mag. w/ 180gr. Ballistic Tip traveling at 3550 f.p.s. as the coyote was walking directly away at 172 (laser rangefinder) yards.

At the impact area, there wasn't a single part of the coyote attached to another. Parts in all directions for 12 to 14 ft. from where he took his last step.

"There's no such thing as too much rifle."

Good hunting, Bowhunter57
PEAX Trekking Poles

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