What's the #1 animal on your list

Have you resolved the issues with getting your BP rifle into the country if there are any?

I had a Zebra on my list at first, but decied I'd rather smoke a gems instead... I guess he will be for next time... ;)

When are you going?
Getting the gun itself there wasn't an issue, just registered it like the rifle and customs didn't say anything. We are leaving May 22nd! I can't believe its almost here, been a long time coming! I don't blame you about the Gems, I'd rather have one of them than a striped donkey. I'll probably have to get a 3rd job when I get back :)
my buddy who's going on his 3rd trip says ol black and white stripes isn't as easy to shoot as one would think--but it probably depends if you're being specific or just gonna shoot the first one who holds still--chris
steiny--that'd make for one 'ell of a conversation piece for sure and a lot of people would probably think just a little different of ya if ya had one--but speaking on that end, one of my hunting buds who lived in Africa when he was young told me one time his dad went out and the PH said if we see a poacher let him have it--this was back in the 60's--not sure that still goes for today or not---but if someone is shooting at me there will be lead flying back at 'em----chris
DK... When you filled out your SAPS 520 form... In the box with the make/model/sieral numbers of weapons. Did you notice that they have a seperate box for serial numbers on the reciever and barrle? Did you find out for sure what they want here? I really don't want to have to take my rifles in and get the bbl stamped to match the reciever... Maybe it would apply to muzzys only or something. There are posts on AR about this but as far as I know a definate answer has never been resolved...
I did notice that on the form but don't really know the answer to the question. I only see one serial number on the guns. I've sent the question to my PH and and have a call in to customs. I'll let you know what I find out. Someone here should know. HELP!
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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