What's good in your life?


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2019
With everything going on and all that's happened this year, what are you looking forward to, or what's good?

Good things for me:
Alaska fishing trip looks to be a go!

GF will get an antelope tag in SD, her first big game tag.

Pheasant hunting partner has lined us up with family farm to hunt this fall

Let's here some good news instead of doom and gloom!
I am lucky enough to be in a place where my income is secure. My son is on track to graduate with a Master's in Business Information Systems from a top 10 business school come December. Karl is turning out to be great fun so far.

Hunting wise....IL hunt is still looking to be a go. Should pick up a couple of late season tags in the secondary draw. Finally, looking forward to sharing camp with some Hunttalkers this fall!!!
Talked my old sheep hunting partner into a hunt this fall. Been a while since the wife and I killed some rams.

Going on a moose hunting adventure, and a giant may hit the dirt

Fishing is just warming up, will be killing some reds in 2 days. Got a couple charters lined up.

Work is crazy busy with plenty lined up on my plate for the next 6 month or more.
I definitely try to not focus much on the doom and gloom going on in the world, prefer to put my head in the sand and enjoy my many blessings, good family, friends, health, dang good fishn, and occasionally fill a big game tag. Life is good, no, great, thanks for the reminder! Leaving on another fishn trip in the morning :)
Family is all healthy, wife finally was able to get back to work, My job is stable and I’ve been quite productive working from home all this time. Can’t ask for much more, but drawing my WY antelope tag next week would be sweet!!!!
@Brandon270 congrats on the pig and a soon to be congratulations on the babe!

Edit: feel like a real jerk, forgot to mention how grateful I am for my long time girlfriend and our 3 pups. I take it for granted sometimes.

Finally got dad to agree to do an elk hunt in Colorado this fall. He's dreamed and talked about it for as long as I can remember, been working on him to do it for a few years now. I'm just going to play Sherpa on this one.

If Elk falls through for me in Kansas & Missouri (nearly guaranteed to not draw) I'm going to OTC archery antelope in Western KS before getting serious about deer in KS & MO.

Despite the craziness out there, life is about to return to normal here. Ready to start getting the business rolling again.
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A buddy of mine and his wife who have had multiple miscarriages have been trying to have a baby for about 5 years, They just had their first. Actually I’m not going to lie, but he posted a picture on Instagram of him holding his little girl for the first time and I literally started crying when I saw it. To be clear I’ve had people in my life die and I never cried, just not a very emotional Guy.. Reminded me of my own girls and how children are so innocent to all the hate in the world. Even when the world seems hopeless we have hope in the next generation, that they will be better than we were.
I decided to split my Wyoming deer points with my dad and apply in the special this year so we could hunt together.

My kids are healthy and happy, and we have a number of camping trips coming up.

My wife and I have a solid relationship.

We are both employed in jobs that are meaningful to us.

I have family and friends whom I love and genuinely enjoy spending time with.
I have a great garden coming up and my 1 acre of deer feed is all sprouting. 25,000 ears of corn and 15,000 soybean plants should easily feed the neighborhood deer thru the winter. Looking forward to watching them out my window.

Also have been very blessed this year with health and financially. There was a lot of doom and gloom the last few years. Gearing up for a great fall with some fellow HT in WY. Plus I’m pretty sure AZ is giving me a big horn tag.
I’m moving back to Elko Nv in 3 weeks. Drew a great deer tag in NV and should draw antelope in WY. I’m fortunate to be loved by a forgiving God and I have kids And grandkids. The cherry on top is my youngest son should get to help me on my deer hunt if he gets leave from Japan
Have a beach house rented in Surfside beach Tx for a week in mid July. Have a charter boat booked one day that I'm looking forward too. Hopefully will have some antelope hunting in Wyoming to look forward to as well.

My kids and wife are happy and healthy life is good.20200517_184622.jpg
Fortunate to have a job I enjoy. Live in a sportsman’s paradise. Lucky enough to have the vacation time and money to go on a hunting trip every year. Blessed to have a family who tolerated me spending so much time outdoors.
My daughter will wed in October. Going camping and fishing next week. When the monsoons startup ill head to the mtns for some mushroom picking, fishing and hiking. Might make a trip to Mexico in July. IDK? Late August off to CO for the OTC archery elk. Growing hot here in the SOAZ so lots of pool time and when the hills are pink its time to drink. Working on my espanol. No more honey-dos left to do now. Life is good.
My wife and I both have good, secure jobs and have stayed healthy through all this so far. I scored round trip tickets to Alaska at the end of July for a ridiculous price, so I get to spend two weeks with my best friend and celebrate his 50th fishing, grilling and enjoy a few beers. May even get to the remote property and get some work done.
I drew a muley tag in New Mexico, first time hunting there so looking forward to that. A younger guy who used to work for me and his buddy finally took me up on my offer to go out to Wyoming this year. We should draw the antelope tags we want so it will be fun taking two first timers out.
Pennsylvania has started to 'open' back up so finally got to go down to my local watering hole for dinner and beers this weekend.

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