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Whats a Good Turkey Load


New member
Jul 17, 2002
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I'm starting to think I oughta trey to get a turkey this year or next spring. It's been on my list of things to do. What is a good turkey load for a 12 ga?
Flytier the best turkey load for your gun will depend on a couple of things.
The choke: There are many turkey chokes out there for almost every shotgun. What is best for your shotgun is anybodys guess. You just need to try a few out. It helps to have friends who are turkey hunters. ;)

The load that is best for your gun will be determined after you pattern various loads out at a range using a turkey target to determine which puts the most bb's in the kill zone.(brain and spine)consistantly.

I test out loads at 20,30 and 40 yards to determine what is best for my shotgun.

Each shotgun is different so I can not say what is best for your shotgun.
I kinda figured there couldnt be an easy answer. I'm planning on going out to check the chokes of this new gun anyways, so that will work out good. I'm planning on trying some 2,4, and 6 shot. Do you think I'm in the ball park for shot size? I'm going to shoot Federal, Winchester, and Remington. Also do you think there is much differance in lead or steel shot? I havent checked into the regs far enough yet to see if there is a requirement.

Get into the spring bird hunt! It's a blast. My first bird I collected not far from Mtn Home. In fact it was near the river I'm sure you have fished a million times!

Not many hunters there, because there aren't many birds. My taking a bird there was blind luck, nothing less. I had my 3 year old son with me and my bow. I figured on taking a drive to Camas to do some fishing and threw the bow and the turkey call in just in case. We stopped the car, heard a gobble, waked up the hill into a pocket of trees and ended up right in the middle of a whole flock. I drew and shot aiming for the center of the body, over judged the distance and hit the big tom right in the head.

All this with my three year old sitting right in front of me watching. I'll dig around and find a picture and post it.

Its better to be lucky than good!

T Bone
Good for you T Bone. I bet your boy was excited as heck. I've heard there are a few around Camas, but have never found any. I Think I'm going to try between Featherville and Baumgartner area. But I think it will be a sure thing if I go between Danskin and Prairie. There used to be several around Danskin until the big fire in the early 90's. Now they are back in good numbers I hear.

I'll try the 5 and 6 shot Nut. I may go out this evening and check the patterns. I'm not a big fan of steel shot anyways. I just dont think it fly's the same as lead. How's that toe feeling today?
Well T Bone you shot the turkey right where you were supposed to. Not luck skill I say ;)

Flytier here is what my best patterns are with

I used a Ulti-Full factory choke on my Mossberg835.
I use Remington 3" with #5 shot for up to 30 yards. Then I use a Winchester 3 1/2" with #6 shot for 40 yards. This is what patterned best in my shotgun. I wouldnt use steel shot at all. If a place requires you to use non-toxic shot I would see what Hevi-Shot patterned in my gun. That brand of shot has won the NWTF Turkey shoot the last couple of years.
Hey tyflier..........if you go to Featherville to shot a turkey don't invite me. Last I heard that area was closed and I don't think Uncle Bob would like to hear any excuses like the gun accidently discharged. :D :D :D

If you really want to go I will take you up the river ( or maybe down the river). Need to find a turkey call or I can kick you in the nuts, it would be the same sound. :D :D
Man I thought I was rid of you. Your just like the clapp, ya keep showing up.

Well I'm still planning the hunt, havent really looked real close at the map just yet. Now I suppose your going to tell me that I can shoot one down the river only if it has purple or green feathers too huh? So are you okay with Devils Kitchen then? Moron? Besides, it's been a while and we aint messed with Uncle Bobby yet have we? :D
Nope I'm back
If it wasn't for me you would be lost. You can't even get a location
right. Devil's Kitchen????? You idiot it's DEVIL'S HOLE!!!!!! You couldn't even find that place if it wasn't for me. Our little hike last week was a walk in the park compared to getting into Devil's Hole. Are you sure you're ready for that. If you want to go I'll bring the oxygen for you.
:D :D :D

You won't have that yuppie gun of yours very long. I know the first time you lay it down you will lose it.
Oh yea you will be able to find it in the dark. All you will have to do is look for those sissy glow in the dark sights you put on it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Those "sissy" sights are so I can beat the crowd. I can hunt early before everyone else shows up or I can hunt after they all go home. Oh, did I say hunt? I meant target practice. He He He

Devils Kitchen, Devils Hole, whats the diff?
I use Winchester Supremes 3 1/2" # 6's in my Browning Gold Turkey Shotgun. I shot 4's and 5's and they didn't pattern as well as the 6'sat 40 yrds. I am using the factory extra full choke that came with the gun. I would not recommend shooting steel from the extra full choke, the gun manual might mention it, mine did. Good luck on the birds. Tony
My gun came with three diffrant chokes so I'll try all three with 4,5, and 6 shot to see how they pattern. Hopefully no real big suprises. If I'm not happy with the pattern I may try a box of the ammo you use to see if it works better. Normally I wouldnt care too much about the pattern, but then most of my birds get blasted within 10-25 yards and are a lot smaller.

Thats a great pc T Bone. Your boy looks pretty proud of Pops, as well he should be.
Flytier you want to use the tightest choke possible. There are numerous sites where you can download turkey targets also. If you need one I will post a link for them.

Question. Have you thought about calls yet? ;)
I thought I'd just cut a yellow post it note in half and stick it on the target. If I can hit that at 40 yards I should be okay. Hopefully I can see it that far, the eyes aint what they used to be sometimes.

I was talking about calls just this afternoon. I'm not too famaler with em, but thought I better hurry up and get one so I can start practicing. Thought about the wooden box type call. That looks like the simplist. What do you use Nut? Are the round ones with the stick any good or would you reccomend the box? Also do you use decoys, or does it make much of a differance?
Flytier you also can make a fist and use it and your arm and trace it on a piece of paper. That works also.

I have numerous calls that I use. The one I really want to use I cant. That is a diaphram call. I have gag reflex way too bad. :( So I have numerous slate calls(the round ones with the stick) I also have a couple of box calls. I even have a couple of push/pull calls. I use the box calls for long range calling and then the slate calls for closer calling. I have 3 decoys that I carry but wont use on public lands.

There is a tape called "So you want to be a Turkey Hunter" It is by HS Strut. I recommend it. It will help you get started.

I forgot to mention about a locater call > LOL There is alot that goes to this turkey hunting, ;) :D
Fly., I like Lynch #101 Foolproof box calls for a good all around call. They usually have them at Walmart. There's a lot of turkey call sites on the Net.

Copper plated shot usually seems to pattern best. Shot size is up to the specific gun. Manufacturers shells vary a lot too. Just because one kind of #6 shot doesn't pattern well doesn't mean another manufacturer's won't either. Federal copper plated #6 work best in my gun.

I think if you go back a year and look at all the turkey topics you'll get some good info.
I'd seen that video a few weeks a go up in Boise and thought about getting it. I'll get it when I go up to get a call. I figured I'd need a tape or video to learn the call anyways.

How come you dont use the decoys of punlic land? Amd when you do use them, is there any particular arrangement you set them up in?
I won't use the decoys on public lands because there are a few people who do not make sure of their target before firing. There has been too many decoys blasted at on public lands and a few owners of the decoys also. I will put them out only if I am sure I am alone on the property I am hunting.
Not using the decoys on public land cost me getting 2 longbeards this year. But I am here typing this also. ;)

I have 2 hens and a jake decoy. I set the dekes up sligtly to my left(I am a right-handed shooter) about 25 yards away. The hens are slightly apart facing away from me with the jake facing them. There are a couple other ways but really no set pattern. But definately do not set the dekes right in front of you. You do not want the gobbler to spot you.

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