Whats a good age to die ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Alright, A little morbid to some maybe but...... Whats a Good age to die ? Gilligan just died at age 70 and CJCJ said, something like "Seems so young". It got me thinking, Whats a Good age to die ? I know 20's and 30's is young, 40's and 50's you're getting up there, but whats a Good age for you ? I think 70 is about right. Now grant it, I'd love to live for ever and see my kids's Kids..... grandkids and what this world would be like in 200 years but I've already done alot and am living a good life.

It's funny because 30 used to be old..... ;)

So, Whats the age you want to live to ? Whats a good age to die ?
Good question but I don't think you can pick a number. For me it would depend on quality of life. Pain, mobility, disease, burden to others...lots of factors.
The United States ranked 24th, with a life expectancy of 70 years, in the WHO study. According to Murray, the United States spends the most on healthcare, but the bottom 2-1/2 percent of Americans have health life expectancies characteristic of sub-Saharan Africa in the 1950s. "Native Americans, poor rural black populations and some of the inner city populations have terrible health status," he adds.

The top ranking spot was given to Japan, with a life expectancy of 74-1/2 years of good health, with Australia running behind in second place with an average of 73.2 years.

Note that the above was an "overall" U.S. current life expectancy- if you are born in 2000, your now projected out to 74-75 years.

Personally, if I make the "average" and do it well along the way, so be it :)
Moosie 40 and 50 are getting old not when you hit that age.
there is no right age to die.
and yes 70 is young. at least to us old people :D
It depends on if they make Scent Shield Depends when I am 85. My first Guided Elk hunt was with an 80 year young guide! But, If you are suffering from too may illnesses, then I would not want to stay around just to suffer.
That depends entirely on how the life is lived, and how the death comes. If you're like me and intend to die shortly of fatal wounds shortly after dispatching the biggest, meanest grizzly bear in North America using hand-to-hand combat, then, well, I say any time after my wife hits the lottery. :D
A good age to die? I would say when your unable to enjoy life. To me that will be when I can't get into a tree stand, a boat, can't walk to hunt rabbits or birds. I am 54 now, I have a friend Ron Hadley who just turned 70, he loves to fish, and shoot sporting clays. Just got his first nice boat two years ago. He was just diagnosed with parkinsons disease last fall. Already he is too weak to hold a minnie to put on a hook. He cannot get in and out of his boat by himself. I took him out once, and had to put his minnies on, release his fish, etc. He still outfished me. He fell on my boat trying to get out. He was so embarrassed he won't go again. He begged me not to tell his wife or daughters, cause then they wouldn let him go anywhere. Needless to say his sporting clay days are over. I could not imagine being him and having nothing to do but wait to die.
I used to think 50, but now that I'm 49, I'm thinking 75 or 80. My boy is 4, I would like to see him grow up and have his own kids. ( and get rich and buy things for his old man )
The word "old" is relative as is the term "age". There has been a lot of dicsussion here about age, but 75 or even 100 is not a old, if you are a tree. The only difference between trees and people is that people wear out faster. If the wearing out or "aging" can be arrested or slowed down, then concievably people should be able to live for 100 years or more. Lots of work is being done with stem cells and some other stuff with an eye toward growing replacement organs. You just never know.

I had a brother die at 21 months.
- highschool friend , 16.
- college friend, 20.
- associate at work, 23

It goes on & on....stillborn to 89.

I had a Capt. in the Corps, that would always tell us, at morning formation, "Today is as good as any to die, gentlemen." Sunk in after awhile.

If yer 'Right with The Man', it doesn't really matter, does it? None of us have much say about it anyway. :cool:
At 56 and having come real close to kicking the bucket I just want to go fast. Spent too much time with freinds and relatives who had cancer and wasted away. Healthy and active and building a biz, putting money in a fund for my 2 year old grandson and hunting and fishing until I kick off. I have lived a good life so today or ten years from now is fine with me. I know one thing-it's gonna happen and it is getting closer.
WOW, I'm 40 and I better hurry and get it all done.

You know sometimes you get caught up in it all and forget there is a clock ticking in there somewhere.

I better get up extra early tomorrow :D
(Elkhunter, where did you get that superman cape?)
EBAY! :D :D :D

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