What would you do?

I'm in for a Texas deer hunt, just as long as I can drive the deer stand!


But if I've got a good hand I'll have to wait to pull the trigger till I take you money!

Then we'll all have another to celebrate.
How about a hog hunt after the deer season? I think this thing is called, The Dehogger. It looks good for daytime, but at night, it needs some bigger lights on it, I'd say.


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Wow this thread is bouncing around like a carp in the bottom of a boat. I'm enjoying the silliness.
1) Have I ever killed a deer by shooting it in the neck? A) Yep.
2) How many times? A) 6 or 7
3) Have I ever missed by targeting the neck only? A) Yep... 5 or 6 times.
4) Ever have to chase someone else's wounded deer for them which wasn't hit correctly in the neck before? A) Oh yeah. More times than I want to mention.
Matt, I'll take a neck shot only if 1) the animal isn't moving, 2) it's the only shot presented, and 3) I know for a fact that I can make the shot. To bypass a high percentage chest/shoulder shot for a marginal neck shot is what I would tend to call inconsiderate. It can also get wasteful.
A well-placed neck shot can kill like lightning. But miss by an inch or two and see what happens.
Got a guy who shows up in camp every so often who claims to shoot all of his bucks in the neck. In fact he nicknamed his rifle "Neckbreaker." He likes to claim that guys like me who make it a point to hit either the chest or the shoulder are nothing but idiots who like to waste deer meat. It was an honor to be dressed-down by such an expert crack shot.
One weekend Mr. Neckbreaker sputters into camp asking for help finding a deer he "knows" is dead. The sign I found later told me a different story... it took that deer nearly a week to die. I found him a week later piled up in a creek with a bullet hole in his throat. I cut his head off, hauled it back to camp and tossed it on ol' Neckbreaker's bunk. He wasn't too happy with me for smelling his place up. (Like I cared.) I was even less thrilled with his marginal shooting ability and his insistance of attempting low percentage shots.
I'm certainly glad that rig is painted in camo...a deer would never see it coming...
Well SHIT, THAT AINT NOTHIN. Back in 19hundred and something we had a 51 CHEVE 4 door sedan (WAS A MEXICAIN HOLIDAY THEN TO) that we run jack rabbits with. With no shocks we could get it clean of the ground hitten frozen cow pies. When my cousin killed a 6x6 elk we loaded it over the top and drug the bumpers on the ground most the way home. The bar was the trunk and we could get 10 cases of beer, and a couple of cases of hooch in the trunk. We had to make sure and drink enough beer though to make room for the rabbits. We got 50 cents each at the peak and a brick of 22s was $2.50. What’s really funny none of us even new anybody with a 4 wheel drive and never worried about getting anywhere. PS kill it or shut the hell up. olefish

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