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what would you do?

The one I used was the one by the water hole/dirt tank, where the bear tried to get in it with him. Basically, it was a bunch of brush around a low tree, overlooking the water. It was near the ranch owned by the RMEF off Highway 60 between Datil and Magdalena, NM I think...
Mid summer, leave a note on each stand explaining the rules about leaving stands up.
Two days before the opener, take the stands down, and leave them in a pile at the base of a tree.
Opening day, get there early and if they show up say "I was here first".
I remember the story, he only had a bow and here comes this bear. I was in a different one, different National Forest, over by Reserve, into the forest from there anyway.
Anything after 14 days is considered garbage... Ask any Ranger, DNR person... One man;s garbage is anothers treasure...

this simply is not true,,,,ask your USFS Enforcement Officer,,,,,,,,,,,,,I did
Anything after 14 days is considered garbage... Ask any Ranger, DNR person... One man;s garbage is anothers treasure...

this simply is not true,,,,ask your USFS Enforcement Officer,,,,,,,,,,,,,I did

So they could get you for theft if say, the owner of the stand etched his name or something and they caught you?
I personally wouldn't do anything to their stands. But I would hunt there if that's where I felt I needed to be. Best way to get rid of the stands would be to contact the local USFS/BLM office and find out if they have any rules/restrictions on tree stands. The ones that I've dealt with would be more than happy to remove them if they are illegal...
I hunted in Arizona one year and I was totally spent one evening so I remembered a watering hole that I ran by while chasing elk and I went there and made a make shift blind and got comfortable.

Some dude showed up about 3 hours before daylight and said he put a tree stand up in a near by tree and I needed to move. After a huge laugh I told him to feel free to climb the tree and that I was darn tired and I was not moving and no elk would come into a water hole with me sitting only 40 yards from the water.

He still climbed up the tree (I still could not believe it...) I took a nap and I guess I started to snore pretty loud and he ended up making some cow calls to wake me up. I then felt pretty good and opened up my pac to start eating a little. Then I felt really good... I cranked out some moster soup in a can farts. I sware to God he could smell it from his tree stand.

He left pretty pissed off. Some lessons learned he must of walked away with.

1. If another hunter beats you to a spot and you insist you still want to hunt right next to them and the dude looks reallllllly tired. You are not going to get a good hunt.
2. If two hunters are hunting the same spot and one is farting and his farts are soooo nasty you can smell it from your tree stand you might not want to hunt there.
3. Lastly, if the SOB is snoring so loud you should leave. There is NOTHING coming in for water!!!
I had a killer place in Wisconsin I use to hunt. I would take my tree stand in and out the same day every time. One day while I was heading into the stand a little early, I noticed someone had cut a big branch off a tree that leaned across a well used trail the deer would take. A second later I looked up and saw a tree stand in the exact same place I had mine hanging the night before!!!! I was pissed!!! I passed up over a dozen bucks out of that stand and had a crack at a really nice 150's class buck. ( I missed. ) I was so mad some guy left his stand up in the place I was hunting. But then again, it was his land so I guess I can't get that mad! Man I use to like to hunt on his land without permission! But don't get mad. I was only 16 years old then and don't pull those kind of stunts anymore. But it sure did add a whole new element to hunting! I felt like the hunter and the hunted and that's a tough feeling to have if you're not in Africa!
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