What would you do? Flying neighbor.

Wife is probably ready to shoot me, we've looked at several houses that checked off everything she could dream of but there is usually a neighbor on at least one side. She knows I wont do it.
I feel ya.
I’ve thought about selling this place and moving one county south or west.
freer thinking people in those parts.

Settle down.

I have rich neighbors.

They do bother me except say wave and say hi! on the road. It will not be a big deal.

Take the couple some jerky and say hello!

Will be you best friend,

You are looking at the glass as empty. Explore, it may be full or half empty.

Bullshit aside. I think you are overreacting!
For starters I would find out what amount of vertical airspace above your land you have
control of or use of.
How much land do they have to gain altitude before they fly over. Should be some options available
to influence a different approach or takeoff.
With no rules per se, how tall of a flag pole can you put up?
Maybe you can join a drone league and practice a lot. Maybe just post a sign at the end of
the drive promoting your new found appreciation for drone racing.
Fear is usually more influential than reality.
On the flip side. Are they retired or are they planning to commute by plane.
If it's VFR, it could limit a lot of when they can fly.
Pretty wide open canvas here Hank.
In the end it may not be a s bad as you expect.
Not sure what to think. The OP comes on a public forum to complain about a neighbor and asks for advice then calls the guys giving advice “Karen “

Thinking the jokes on us. :)
Lol. He only called everyone 'Karen' after he went and started making calls to try to get it shut it down. I wonder how many managers he asked to speak to? Haha - the irony is rife.
Not sure what to think. The OP comes on a public forum to complain about a neighbor and asks for advice then calls the guys giving advice “Karen “

Thinking the jokes on us. :)
Guy's a dick,obviously.
Why would anyone be concerned for their peace and quiet being disrupted?
God I can’t wait for hunting season. You know we’re in between seasons when this is the thread we watch. No offense Hank. We need to hunt so we have something better to talk about!
Prerequisets for rural living: Able to pee off the front porch without embarassment or fear of arrest and able to get two shots off before they get out the front gate. The rest is just remote city living.
More with the name calling? Only helps to make what I said clearer. There's obviously a jerk living in your neighbourhood and it's not the guys with the plane.

You better be careful about messing with a couple of accomplished physicists. Intellectually they are clearly way out of your league.

There's lots of ways a new neighbor can make life miserable. Running a diesel truck all night because too lazy to plug it in on cold mornings (I gave the dork $20 to buy an extension cord and he got the message), yapping dogs tied up outside (total bullshit!), a wannabe heavy metal band with recording studio in garage down the street (I let the city take care of that problem), some asshat setting up a motocross track next door, etc. A plane buzzing around every couple of weeks (or months?) will make less cummulitive noise than your lawnmower. Moving cattle in the fall can also be extremely noisy. I listen to calves bawling all night for weeks at the transfer station outside of town where I RV it during hunting season. It's the sound of money in the community's pocket. And that community has been damn good to me. Sometimes keeps me up but I'm always glad to hear it. If I didn't hear it, I'd be worried. Your neighbors may be damn good to you too ... if you give them a chance. That airstrip could prove to be a godsend in an emergency.
I would just show up with a map of landlocked blm and get straight to the point, which one of y’all got big tires and can land that sum bitch on a short piece of dirt? Or should I go get my rpg?
Hank has always seemed like a good egg, don't throw him out with the bathwater. Good luck with the neighbors, hell they probably spend half their time wishing they were you. I bet a good visit or two and things will be alright.

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