Kenetrek Boots

What will he Score?? (Pics)


New member
Sep 18, 2002
I am newly registered on the site, even though I have been reading and viewing posts for quite a while, so I thought I would show you a picture of the spike I shot this year in Utah with my bow (I hope the pictures show up). He is nothing like Greenhorn's, but then again, whose is???


I shot the spike in Utah on 8/27/02. I was sitting in the same treestand that I shot my deer and elk out of last year, which is in a spike or cow only area.It was a little after 7:30 pm and I hadn't seen or heard anything, so I thought I would try to stir something up with a bugle and a few cow calls. Immediately after calling, this spike showed up walking directly towards me. He wandered for a minute down to my right in some trees and I thought I wasn't going to get a shot opportunity, but a soft cow call brought him back in the open heading towards the water hole. He stepped into a large opening at 25 yards and I hit him perfectly. He went only 20-25 yards after the hit and was dead in minutes.
Welcome aboard mate !!! Glad you finally posted . NICE ELK, I hope to score on one jsut like that in the rifle season here.. they don't call me "SPIKE" for nothing :D :D

NOW, jsut becasue you posted once.. don't pack your bags.. we got your name and # written down.. a true hunter like yourself we will track down and shoot if ya try to leave ;)

Seriously though... that bull is FUGGIN AWSOME, know how I can tell ?!?! WELL, because you're smiling !!!!!!

Nice elk there bud..One of these days I'll get a bull..As far a trophy goes, I'd put the horns on my wall :D :D

I'm sure it scored well enough to feed the crew from Hunt Talk... So when's the BBQ?

I'll bring the potato salad...

Congratulations and welcome to Hunttalk..

There are a few guys you have to watch out for around here... be careful of people in pink dresses with beards..... :D

Way to go, UT! Welcome to Hunttalk and hope to see you around some more!

Thanks Everybody!!
He is definitely good eating and it was a blast of a hunt-I love bowhunting elk!!

Anyways, I really do think this is the best hunting forum on the net (good brownie points, huh Moosie??). Everyone is pretty laid back and there are no A-holes like some of the others. Thanks for the welcome!!
Congrats on the nice elk!!! I'm hoping to be putting the sneak on a UT bull like that come Oct. 5. Where about in UT do you call home??? Again congrats
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