What will accelerate the death of hunting faster?...

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I have been on many of forums for years , maybe it is me or just the written word but you come of as rude to new members. How is someone going to know this was a subject before? Now I got to go eat crow on something I was mistaken about. If I’m wrong I will own it , we will see in your case .
Rude? Ask for hunting info as a new member. You are getting off easy. Not that you deserve it. mtmuley
BrdHntr said:
I spent most of today following a pair of pointing dogs, with several finds and the gps collars showing 27 miles... so good luck to you tomorrow. I'm assuming your posse will be a bevy of flat brimmers using german pointing breeds as flushers?

406dn: Seriously, why be such a dick.

Well, let me give you another reason to consider me a "dick". Once again, 6th time out of 7 days, went bird hunting (did you hunt, or at least take your mutt to a doggie park, 406dn?). Took along a total newcomer to bird hunting, along with his son. The dogs tracked many miles (won't tell you how many since it seems to get to you), pointed several coveys of Chukar and the new guy harvested 4 and his son limited out at 5. They enjoyed it, I enjoyed it...dogs did great and sports enjoyed watching them do their thing. If that makes me a "dick" then rest assured, my middle name is Richard. Oh I never carried a gun, so another reason you can call me a "dick"
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Hey, a lot of good cheese on this thread, that's great!

you know what? I did forget to add the horn hunters to my no fly list.

Sorry 'bout that

For some added flavor, could you fellers post pics of your bird dogs?
Well, let me give you another reason to consider me a "dick". Once again, 6th time out of 7 days, went bird hunting (did you hunt, or at least take your mutt to a doggie park, 406dn?). Took along a total newcomer to bird hunting, along with his son. The dogs tracked many miles (won't tell you how many since it seems to get to you), pointed several coveys of Chukar and the new guy harvested 4 and his son limited out at 5. They enjoyed it, I enjoyed it...dogs did great and sports enjoyed watching them do their thing. If that makes me a "dick" then rest assured, my middle name is Richard. Oh I never carried a gun, so another reason you can call me a "dick"
Well, let me give you another reason to consider me a "dick". Once again, 6th time out of 7 days, went bird hunting (did you hunt, or at least take your mutt to a doggie park, 406dn?). Took along a total newcomer to bird hunting, along with his son. The dogs tracked many miles (won't tell you how many since it seems to get to you), pointed several coveys of Chukar and the new guy harvested 4 and his son limited out at 5. They enjoyed it, I enjoyed it...dogs did great and sports enjoyed watching them do their thing. If that makes me a "dick" then rest assured, my middle name is Richard. Oh I never carried a gun, so another reason you can call me a "dick"
Well, let me give you another reason to consider me a "dick". Once again, 6th time out of 7 days, went bird hunting (did you hunt, or at least take your mutt to a doggie park, 406dn?). Took along a total newcomer to bird hunting, along with his son. The dogs tracked many miles (won't tell you how many since it seems to get to you), pointed several coveys of Chukar and the new guy harvested 4 and his son limited out at 5. They enjoyed it, I enjoyed it...dogs did great and sports enjoyed watching them do their thing. If that makes me a "dick" then rest assured, my middle name is Richard. Oh I never carried a gun, so another reason you can call me a "dick"

Actually I did run my dogs yesterday handling them from one of my horses. Between hunting, training and field trialing my dogs see about a hundred days a year hunting. That routine has been going on for many years.

Your parents named you well.
Seriously, why be such a dick.

Actually I did run my dogs yesterday handling them from one of my horses. Between hunting, training and field trialing my dogs see about a hundred days a year hunting. That routine has been going on for many years.

Your parents named you well.
ha! You're not known as Chukarman on another forum, are you? An expert amongst experts?

Well, congrats on the 100 days..I don't want you to get all bent out of shape regarding my ____ days afield. Enjoy dem' ribbons!
ha! You're not known as Chukarman on another forum, are you? An expert amongst experts?

Well, congrats on the 100 days..I don't want you to get all bent out of shape regarding my ____ days afield. Enjoy dem' ribbons!

Swing and a miss. I don't do it for the ribbons. I do it because I love doing it.

And Chukarman isn't a dick either.
406dn: Seriously, why be such a dick.

Well, let me give you another reason to consider me a "dick". Once again, 6th time out of 7 days, went bird hunting (did you hunt, or at least take your mutt to a doggie park, 406dn?). Took along a total newcomer to bird hunting, along with his son. The dogs tracked many miles (won't tell you how many since it seems to get to you), pointed several coveys of Chukar and the new guy harvested 4 and his son limited out at 5. They enjoyed it, I enjoyed it...dogs did great and sports enjoyed watching them do their thing. If that makes me a "dick" then rest assured, my middle name is Richard. Oh I never carried a gun, so another reason you can call me a "dick"

Good grief you are obnoxious. Ignored.
Really loved that google regurgitated "chukar hunting manual" that the Chukarman guy published on another hunting forum. So much wrong with that synthetic hot air that I have to believe the dude never even seen a Chuk. Thought that might of been you, 406dn.

Guys, I've gotta run. One of those RV caravan retired bird hunters is on his way to buy one of my dogs that ain't for sale. At least we'll have a good visit.

Could I make one last request. I like Gouda. Would someone post a pic of a good wedge of Aged Gouda?
Rude? Ask for hunting info as a new member. You are getting off easy. Not that you deserve it. mtmuley
I didn’t ask for info as a new member , never ask to get off easy either! Just for the sake of clarity.
I would have never thought there would be a negative comment on Hunting Wife, intelligent comments and love of outdoors.

Surprised the old man.
Right!!! I mean along with single handily crushing the 'like' game I also, undoubtedly, am smashing the "top ignored member" list.

I'm kinda insulted actually, the fact that someone would take issue with @Hunting Wife... as if she could hold a candle to my bloviating...chiiittttt

You seem to have a lot of harsh opinions but you don’t like anyone else’s unless your in agreement.

First question how much meat you getting of a whitetail brohem?1

@Pmacc60 ;) some times we miss the mark on things, sometimes people are tried/stressed and come to HT to unwind, occasionally they exorcise some demons. If you give folks some rope they tend to extend you the same courtesy. There are some great people on here, I hope you stick around and continue to participate in the dialogue. There is an amazing amount of great information on here, if you are passionate about hunting and public lands this HT is a great campfire to hang out at.

1 https://www.hunttalk.com/threads/actual-weight-of-meat-can-we-be-honest.293257/
I can’t believe I just stumbled on the gem of a thread. It’s a little bit of a car wreck where I can’t look away. What’s going to happen next?
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