I'm into my third season of hunting with hounds in Montana for bobcats and I hunt a lot of coons in the off-season in other areas of Montana/Wyoming while working on projects. My seasons the past few years has been a steep learning curve for bobcats, hunting with two younger hounds and learning productive areas to hunt that can be accessed throughout the season with the extreme weather patterns we have experience the past few years.
My questions is and maybe one of the houndsmen on the forum can answer this question, even if they don't hunt in Montana. When do most hunters find their freshest bobcat tracks? And do you have better luck running a older tracker later in the day when the temps rise? I have mostly been hunting from several hours before daylight until 9-10 AM and heading home, if I don't find a track to run with my dogs. The pressure can be heavy on weekends while the bobcat quota is open, and I'm wondering if going out later in morning and attempting to find tracks that may have crossed behind the parade of cat hunters may be more productive. Because any open road will have houndsmen driving the roads from 2-3 AM until daylight. I appreciate any direction. Thanks
My questions is and maybe one of the houndsmen on the forum can answer this question, even if they don't hunt in Montana. When do most hunters find their freshest bobcat tracks? And do you have better luck running a older tracker later in the day when the temps rise? I have mostly been hunting from several hours before daylight until 9-10 AM and heading home, if I don't find a track to run with my dogs. The pressure can be heavy on weekends while the bobcat quota is open, and I'm wondering if going out later in morning and attempting to find tracks that may have crossed behind the parade of cat hunters may be more productive. Because any open road will have houndsmen driving the roads from 2-3 AM until daylight. I appreciate any direction. Thanks