Yeti GOBOX Collection

What rifle for Elk?

Now that's one club I hope to join!

Thanks guys! I normally shoot 150 grain factory loads, but I'll look for the hornadys!
John, if you really want another rifle, I may be able to help you. With the loss of my job, I might be foredto sel some of my rifles. 7mm mag, .338 may be available.
Elkhunter, I didn't know you lost your job. Sorry to hear that. don

KC, I don't have the time today to check out your website but it looks good.

[ 08-06-2004, 07:13: Message edited by: pa mt man ]
Bill sorry to hear about your job :( hope that both you and Nut will come across something even better than before!
after looking over your site (briefly) I've got to question your claims as to hornady and federal "higher pressure" loads-bullchit, there are not any higher pressure nor are they unsafe in the bolt guns you mentioned, they should not be used in semi-autos as the pressure curve is slower than those guns are designed for. Functioning may suffer, but they are not unsafe!

[ 08-09-2004, 04:48: Message edited by: snake river rufus ]
Would you be willing to lease that 338 for a year or two? I've been out on my butt a couple of times. Ended up selling stuff I wished I could get back. (A Bear rug and a Colt Mark V 357 Mag come to mind.) I shoot a 7MM Mag. and have often wanted to try a bigger cal. for Elk just to compare.

Shoot me an email if you’re interested.

WW, my wife has informed me that I am not to sell any of my guns. We found a place to keep my safe so we may be selling just about everything and keeping certain things that are specail to us. Thanks for the concern and the lease offer. I just may be using it myself when MEATHEAD comes out for elk.