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What makes you salivate at the thought of Africa?


New member
Dec 15, 2000
Bloemfontein, South Africa
I’m in love with a number of things true to Africa. The diversity and sheer numbers of wildlife species that roam our continent is the first to spring to mind. The natural beauty of the land and the secluded wild places is a real turn-on. On a one to one basis the people are uncomplicated, friendly and kind (outside the cities and politics that is). What draws me like a moth to a flame though is the unpredictability of Africa in almost every aspect.

What makes you salivate at the thought of Africa? Why do you (or would you want to) hunt in Africa?

Ohhh RIAAN..... Lots of things!!!! I see african Animals on TV and know there is NOthing like that in the states. I have Movies and Know the Game. I know there is Danger!!! Makes me want to go!!!

I would love to draw my bow back and take a creature that I know has Dodged death many times before and I was Able to get it. I heave heard Stories of hunters that have been and they make the Evening campfire stories sound like you are there. I love to hear exciting stories!!! I would love to have the Experience of being to a place that not many of my peers have been to and share the stories w/ them. I hear the People are Great and You are treated WELL!!

The landscape is (I am SURE) Just like scuba diving. You can hear many stories about the place but have to go first hand to experience it ...To know what it is REALLY LIKE!!!!

Heck Riaan, Stop getting me fired up!!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


I would just love to see all the different species of animals. Kudu would be something I would like to hunt or a gemsbok. I know I never could afford Africa but its nice to read and dream about it.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Terry, you might be surprised how affordable Africa can be if you play your cards right and watch for bargains that come up once in awhile. I've seen packages as cheap as $4500 for 5-7 animals- all inclusive except airfare, which runs about $1200-1300 around here. Taxidermy is the extra cost, but if you are in a pinch, leave most of your trophies there and only bring back the best 2 or 3 and save money.
Heck, I'm just a blue collar electrician and I was able to put the money together to go, you could probably do it too. I sincerely hope you stop dreaming and take steps to make it happen- you won't regret it, trust me.- Sheister
Sheister, you are probably right. All I have to do is get my priorities in line on where I want to hunt and what year and astart working towards the goal. Thanks for the post. Welcome to our board this is a great place. Lots of good people here that won't steer you wrong. Oh yeah, there is 1 liar. hehehe

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.

[This message has been edited by Terry aka Coydog (edited 12-23-2000).]
Hi to you all.

Moosie, i am impressed with the new make-up, who do we have to thank for that?

Sheister is right with the prices of hunting packages. Terry if you really wanna hunt in Africa, mail me and i will see what i can do. ABS offers affordable safaris in the region of US $ 3800 - 4200, for a 10 day safari with 7 different species of plains game included, all you have to do is the arrive here, and we take care (and pay) for the rest (airfare excluded).
Terry, Me and DKO and maybe another few are heading to Africa in 2002 for sure!!!! Save a penney each day and think about it!!!We are still doing the Reaserch on with who, when, and whatever, But We'll figure it out soon!!!

Sheister, Thanx for the input!!!

ABS, I see ya shortened your name
, You can thank every one that participates on the forums for the new make over. You can thank ME for paying for it ALL and spending the time setting it up!!
HEHEHEhehe Seriously though, I'm glad your here and Post some pics again!!!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


One little bit of input I wanted to put in here- hope it helps someone. I was warned about this before my trip and now I see the wisdom in it.
If you want to go to Africa on a budget, don't do it by shaving days off the trip. The 5 and 7 day trips may sound great because of the prices, but by time you fly in a plane over 8 or 9 time zones, you will be in a fog for a day or two while your brain adjusts to the day being night and vice versa. There are a few tricks you can use that were passed on to me by JJHack to help you get over the adjustment quickly but the best way is to have at least a 10 day trip so you can adjust and have time to really enjoy your time. Trust me, 10 days will fly by before you know it and you will be planning your next trip back before you get home.-
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone- Sheister
I can only agree with what Sheister said about the short hunts - you're just settled in and then your on your way once more.

I would though advise you to have a look at the short hunt package deals, if they have the option to upgrade regardings days and trophies. Booking a short hunt special, and then upgrading to a 10 to 14 day hunt can bring about some significant savings.

Depending on the time of year, you may consider booking a day or two of wingshooting before your rifle/bow hunt starts. You can do some pigeon shooting, for dirt cheap, while recovering from the jetlag.

Have a merry Xmas to all from a sunny Africa!

[This message has been edited by Riaan (edited 12-24-2000).]
Oh Riaan,

You forgot to mention your beautiful sunrises and sunsets
I actually filmed one sunrise so I could watch it anytime I felt homesick for the RSA

The book title has it right: I Dreamed of Africa. That's what is so intriguing. Each one of us has a preconceived notion of what Africa is going to be. When we arrive we find that it was true and then some. Abundance of animals, hospitality that we Americans have forgotten, the smell of the sweet burning wood at the campfire. Night time sounds that will either sooth you to sleep, or make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. To step onto the ground and feel as if you were once there before, and the euphoric feeling that comes over you almost as if you were intoxicated by Africa.

Yes, I Dreamed of Africa.


[This message has been edited by huntersvision (edited 01-09-2001).]

[This message has been edited by huntersvision (edited 01-09-2001).]
Hallo to you all,
Just in case i was misunderstood regarding the 10 day / 7 plains game species safari offered by ABS. A 10 day safari during which the hunter hunts 7 different game is recommended for the first time Afica hunter. You would seldom find a first time hunter who wants to start of with the big game ie. Buffalo.

A common calculation shows that the hunter has more than one day to hunt a particular animal and thus have time in between for site seeing. The mentioned package also serves as a starting point, which i might add is very favourable for those hunters who are "limited" in terms of their budget. Further does the 10 day safari lay a good foundation for those who can afford the Lion & Buffalo hunts we offer in Zambia - 7 plains game species as a starter and the big ones there after.

The best value of the 10 day package is that it drastically limits the DAY FEES which i might add could run up to a considerable amount and with the additional trophy fees some of those who dreamed of hunting in Africa will remian dreaming.

It a common fact that the majority of first time Africa huntetrs will eventually end up here again. From the postings on this site and various others almost every hunter who considers hunting in Africa has a lot of questions on what, where, why and who about hunting in South Africa (sorry i missed the how much one). As a starting the point the 10 day safari allows the hunter to experience everything and would make his/her return the next time much easier.

When arrangements are made with a booked hunter, other possibilities ranging from deep sea fishing, photo safari, Buffalo/Lion hunting to a trip down the world famous Garden Route to the Cape Town are introduced and many of our clients especially those who are accompanied by a spouse/friend/non-hunter used this additional services to enjoy a great holiday.

South Africa and the rest of Africa offers much more that just the game, even if it means playing golf here, it is something different from what you normally do.

Good luck with the planning and i hope the anticipation will be greatly rewarded.

[This message has been edited by ABS (edited 01-09-2001).]
Hi Huntervision,

Yeah, Africa has some lovely sunrises and sunsets. Although our dusks and dawns don’t last very long, they sure are something memorable and special. The vibrant colors, the sounds of the diurnal creations settling down and the nocturnal dwellers waking up and other way round, makes for a cast to savor. In our part of the world, we refer to these serene moments as “the time of God’s peace.”

Hallo ABS,

It’s good to see you around! I trust that you had a super festive season. Did you see the full eclipse of the moon tonight? While typing this, I’m casting a frequent glance up to that big red moon. Even the night sounds are subdued tonight. It is almost as if all the members of the “bush choir” are gazing so intently at our sky, that they’re at a loss for their tunes!

Regards from a lay-back, sleepy Africa

(Ah, there’s at least one jackal that remembered her job as an night time entertainer – and there sounds the shrill shriek of a crowned plover, some whistles from the zebras and booms from a ostrich as well, it seems that not everyone is asleep right now!)

[This message has been edited by Riaan (edited 01-09-2001).]
Riann, what are the dates for the show in Puyallup, WA.?? I live close and would like to drop in and meet you??

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Hallo Terry,

It would be really nice to meet the people behind the cyber names!

I’ll be in the US from 16 January thru to 20 February 2001, and at the next shows: Puyallup, WA Jan 23 – Jan 28, Portland, Oregon Feb 7 – Feb 11 and the NA Wild Sheep Convention in Reno Feb 14 – 17. I’ll be sharing booths with Mitch Rohlfs from Expeditions Unlimited.

In between shows I'll spend most of my time in Yakima, visiting various friends that have hunted with me before.

Drop me an e-mail if you want to arrange dates and times to meet. Looking forward to see you.

Greetings from the Dark Continent!
Riann, I got your email and sent you one.

Moosie, that show is the weekend we are moving but I think I amy be able to connect with Riann while he is in the state.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Was tht you and AMY or did you spell may wrong?!?!!? Or Is that you wifes name?!?!

Good!! Get the info and we will be hooking up in Feb/March and Make a descision by End of March/April..ish?!?!?

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter


Who and what, Amy? If your talking to me I dont know. Wifes name Tonya.

Cool, Ill do my best to meeet with him

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
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