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What is your favorite arrow rest?

My brother and other hunting buddies have gone to the Trophy Taker series of fall away rests and love them. Me, I converted a basic TM hunter rest into a drop away and haven't had any problems with it. I like it simply because I didn't have to pay 60+ bucks for it!! The new fall/drop away rests seem to be the way a lot of folks are going these days. I have also heard good things about Whisker Bisquit rests too.

Well, I've shot them all over the years, from Golden Futura, TM Hunter, Bodoodle, and Centerest from NAP. Depending on which set up I am currently using (fingers or release) depends on the manufacturer and style I choose.

I've tuned many bows for others over the years and the ones listed above have performed well in my opinion. Bodoodle is also an easy rest to tune, as is the Centerest by NAP if you shoot fingers.

After writing an article on some of the slow-motion videos I saw in Vegas last year on drop away rests, I was not convinced they were the way to go. Almost all the rests videoed did not drop the same, every time. There were exceptions, as Trophy Taker and The Drop Zone performed as designed. As a result of the article, Trophy Taker sent me a rest (Shaky Hunter) to test and I have been putting it through the ringer as of late. So far, it performs great, and tunes well.

I was also sent a Whisker Biscuit. That test lasted about 2 days. NO THANKS. Terrible on vanes, and on slo-mo video, the arrow does not leave the rest the same way. There's a reason why no one is shooting them on the lines at Vegas.

Well, there you have it. Basically what all this long winded response means is most major manufacturers make a quality product. But remember this, you get what you pay for. Good luck and have fun.

BOHNTR )))-------------->
Thanks Guys,

I was considering a drop away but I have heard nothing about them.
I shot a bow with a whisker bicuit and it was great to about 30 yards. I practiced out to 65 last year for elk season and the biscuit was all over the place at 50. I figure if I can nail a pie plate at 65 EVERY TIME, the 35 to 45 is a snap. Cant wait to draw that tag!
I have been shooting Bodoodle rests for several years now. Easy to tune, rugged, and holds an arrow very well.

I admit haven't tried any other rests in a couple of years, but if it ain't broke...

I have a custom made fall away on my Black Max2. A very creative pro-shop friend of mine made it out of the regular two pronged Mathews rest ( the best I have ever shot). I have a Trophy Ridge fall away on my Q2, very nice as well...
I put a Trophy Taker "Shakey Hunter" on my new Legacy last year and absolutely love it. Easy to set up and now I can put as much helical on my fletchings as I want. Which helps a ton in arrow stability.
I shoot a NAP 750. It has no moving parts and is rock solid. Its a solid hunting rest made to be beat up and maintain its settings.
JB,Steve was using a Bodoodle when he shot fingers,then switched to Trophy Taker after talking to a number of the shooters at the 3-Ds.?
Anyway he really liked both of them.
I was thinking about switching over to the Trophy Taker or going with The Shaky Hunter but Im not sure ,Im kind of hard on my gear when hunting and I wasnt sure if I would pull the string off the rest.
Being built a little closer to the ground really sucks when walking through brush.

Let us know what you end up going with.
I use the Trophy Taker Shaky hunter on my Bowtech and have no problems. There really is very little that can go wrong with it as far as moving parts. I really like it and have heard great reviews from everywhere i have looked. It seems to be very consistent.
Must be a lot of us due it your self red neck type hear in Az.I have a home made drop away too.
I started shooting a Whisker Biscuit last year and am really pleased with it. Easy to tune and idiot least to this idiot.
I switched to a whisker bisquit last year and found it to be a good rest, especially for hunting from a tree stand. It doesn't let the arrow slip off and slap the riser, and you don't have to try and constantly hang on to your arrow. I have had no trouble tuning it and I have no problems with accuracy out to 50-60 yards.
Trophy Taker Shakey on my Bowtech
GKF TKO on my Martin

The TKO is nice for a first time drop away user. A breeze to tune and can be converted to a Standard TM hunter style in minutes if you decide the drop away isn't for you. Also comes with an extra launcher for finer work and all for about $50.

The Muzzy Zero Effect should be in here as well. Built like a tank.
Caribou Gear

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