Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

What is your best Muley Tip?

JB Florida

New member
Dec 9, 2000
Florida/Gulf ShoresAlabama
I have done pretty well just sneaking around and spotting them but last season RHNM told me to sit and glass. I found a nice buck pretty shortly after but I ran out of time to wait him out on a trail to a spot of water he was using.

I did have a shot on a great buck while slipping along a ridgetop that was covered in buckbrush a small branch from an old burned tree deflected the arrow and he was gone. The smaller bucks we pretty easy to get close to.

What has worked for you?
JB, I'm still waiting to find out what works .... :(

Although talking to all the gys in the "KNOW" they all say Sit and Wait. I think Sitting sucks. Especially when there is hills to climb :p But thats why I shoot dinks year in and Year out. This year planning a backpack in and Using the Glass more. I think I can.. I think I can...... I think I can.....
My best tip is to tell the Ol' Lady that you'll be gone til dark. That way you can concentrate on moolies and you won't have to worry about being 6 hours late for supper.
That and I always like to go into an area different than anybody or anything else, be it the hardest way or whatever. Sometimes they're so surprised to see ya that they give you that little bit of extra time to judge and make a shot.
My best advice is.
Know your area your hunting. Size of animals, escape routes, Areas used during certain parts of day or season, If bumped where do they go, Dont underestimate where an animal will be,and #1 What are you willing to do to make any shot possible. Archery or rifle.
Some great advice given so far. However, the number one thing for this bowhunter (besides keeping the wind right).....DON'T give up! Trophy mule deer can be frustrating at times and they take A LOT of dedication.
My advise is to scout.....i used to walk for miles and i killed some nice ones... but i have killed just as many [since handicapped] just sitting and glassing... i found my last one with a spotting scope at 1 1/2 miles... then i got in my truck and drove to within a 1/4 mile of him.... he was 3 small ridges from the main road... i limped over and whacked him with the 30-06 about a 100yrds broadside....I do miss walking for miles though.... don`t miss dragging them out.
JB, Didn't we have this conversation about 4 years ago? I brought up the theory of randomness. Two objects in motion in a defined area are about 10 to the sixth power less likely of intesecting each other than if one of them is stationary. The stationary one should be you. Find a place and sit and glass. When you see your buck, then plan your stalk. Don't listen to Moosie.. He just like climbing up and down hills and shooting skunks..

I remember that one... :)

It sure makes a lot of sense to me... But I do so like the long walks... :D
That randomness theory won't work for my country. Hard to think if I just stay still something is going to walk past me in the 15 yard window I have in the timber. I need to increase my odds by randomly running into the random moving creature. :) :)

I think BOHNTR hit it right on the head. NEVER GIVE UP!!!! So easy to get discouraged when you've hiked your ass off fro days and days and haven't even seen a rump patch. But you can't kill a Big 'Un in your sitting on your couch sulking. ;)
Most important thing is to put yourself in country that contains big mule deer.

You can do everything in the world right...but if you're in country that contains very few/if any big mule deer...its time wasted.
Good tips Guys,

I remember that Dan! That was a while back.
I spent a lot of time behind the spotting scope last year and it got me in position on 2 different bucks that were HUGE (remember I'm from the south and we dont hunt when the deer are in velvet in Bama) one buck was really a hog though.

I suspect that archery deer is just gonna be tough anyway.
Sure beats work though!
Well, let's go all the way back to the very beginning.. The first thing you have to do is to learn the difference between the silohette of a deer and that of a hog. Deer have antlers and hogs don't.. You take it from there!

I bet that was an interesting encounter JB. Who won, You or the Hog-deer?


Even if you are hunting an area that supposedly holds a big buck behind every bush! Plain and simple, "Big" mule deer bucks are just plain tough to come by anymore... These aren't your gandpa's version of mulie now days. There is a new generation, well adapted to being pursued and heavy hunting pressure... The big ol bucks don't get that way by being stupid. By the time he's seen the calendar roll around a time or 2 and what happened to Joe cousin, and twin brother Bob, when the guns starting going off. He knows to make himself scarce at the first sign of mans encroachment.

Some of us spend inordanant amounts of time during the off season, and during the actual hunt. More often than not the buck I'm after is the one who has the last laugh...
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