what is a guide ????????

I re-read the OP, and I maybe I missed the point of the thread. Perhaps it was meant to justify the hiring of a guide vs. the "OYO" way. I took it to mean that he was tired of being treated the way his clients treat him, in large part because of his subsequent posts. As Bambi and WY556 pointed out, you can either take it, or refuse to serve them.

Anyway, I have no clue why I cared enough to post in the first place. Carry on....if the HT crowd can't get this problem solved, nobody can. :)

Oh no you don't ...you can't un-ring a bell.;)
What is a guide???? I think there are many different situations that determine what is a guide. A guide is different in Michigan, as a guide in Wyoming or a guide in Alaska. Different animals, different habitat and topo, different laws. I have been a hunting guide in Alaska for 17 years, doesn't make me any better or worse, just different.

I know several young guides both male and female and they do a very good job. I think the big advantage to being a "seasoned" guide is the experience of dealing with people throughout the years in life. A guide will work with many clients of various backgrounds, expectations and behaviors. Everyone including a guide is in charge of their own attitudes.

Financial status of the hunter doesn't make a pile of dog doo doo.
Outfitter or Guide, Seems there are two different things here being discussed under the term "Guide" In my experience a guide is hired by the outfitter most of the time, yes there are guides that are also the outfitter but think a discussion on "guides" needs to be clarified.

As a hired guide, you can't grab your junk and fire a client. As an outfitter you could, but not very realistic.

I enjoyed guiding, 2 months of hunting and few extra weeks on top of that packing mules and horses. 95% of the time it's all good if your mental outlook is in the right place.

Just like life in any public service industry dealing with people. 25% are really enjoyable, the other 50% are decent, 10% just bearable, 10% will try all your patience, and the other 5% are a lost cause and have to do the best you can to get through the week without killing them.
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