what is a guide ????????

556 we seem to think about the same as to how good these rich clients/hunters really are
the complain when there is nothing to complain about and everything is about how much money they have and how much they like to spend on guided hunts but rarely do they ever tip the guy that had to put up with there b.s. for that week

You sound like a bitter person that doesn't enjoy his job. I used to be that way, then I decided to do something about it. I went to college at age 29, graduated and got a job I enjoy. You can continue to be bitter and "put up with the b.s.", or you can make a change. But don't expect anyone here to feel sorry for you, or for the career choices you have made in your life.
You sound like a bitter person that doesn't enjoy his job. I used to be that way, then I decided to do something about it. I went to college at age 29, graduated and got a job I enjoy. You can continue to be bitter and "put up with the b.s.", or you can make a change. But don't expect anyone here to feel sorry for you, or for the career choices you have made in your life.

A better idea is to grab your balls and tell the "rich guy" to go screw himself. Kind of like the battered wife syndrome... he only beats me because he loves me.
I find it interesting that several have voiced an opinion of the guide being in the wrong for putting up the wealthy, globe trotter, unprepared, lazy, PITA hunter. The guide is not responsible for how the hunter acts. The guide doesn't typically pick the hunters. It is strange to me how posting some specific examples of guided hunters who are out of line can cause such backlash. If you ever dealt with one you would feel differently.

If a waiter says something bad about a real jerk customer is it the waiters fault the customer was a jerk? Should they quit their job on the spot? Tell the customer to leave the restaurant? Heck no.

If a flight attendant gets treaded badly by a passenger and later says something about it was the attendant the bad guy/girl? Should they quit their job immediately? Order the passenger off the plane? Heck no.

If a bartender has a drunken customer act like an idiot it is the bartenders fault? Should they quit and change their profession because of it?

Some people are just jerks plain an simple. Some people don't' prepare for a hunt. Some people have money and think they are above others because of it. Some people treat others like dirt. Doesn't matter what the task is when they do that to you, it still sucks. You might be painting their house, mowing their grass, cutting their hair, fixing their car, serving them food, their employee, finding them an elk, etc... That part does not matter. Being with someone for 12+ hours a day you find out about the personality defects they have quickly.

Luckily not everybody is like that and most people are much easier to work with. It is interesting to hear the stories. I remember the flight attendant a few years back who had enough and pulled the emergency escape after being treated badly, grabbed a beer and left the plane, quite funny. Sometimes people forget the golden rule, especially in our society. Sucks to be on the wrong end of that and it does not matter what the task at hand is. Almost every profession has horror stories, just part of life. Unfortunately not everybody can just quit their job or fire a client/customer when they have a difficult moment, it's not that simple. If you do find a profession that never has difficult moments and every day of work is perfect, you are one blessed individual. Co workers, clients, bosses, customers, employees, etc.. can all be difficult at times from my experience.

Oak, I can't speak for the OP but I don't expect you to feel sorry for me because I guided a jerk of a hunter. Nearly every career choice can have difficult moments, I just shared one that has to do with guiding. Congrats on going back to school at 29 and finding a career you love.
You sound like a bitter person that doesn't enjoy his job. I used to be that way, then I decided to do something about it. I went to college at age 29, graduated and got a job I enjoy. You can continue to be bitter and "put up with the b.s.", or you can make a change. But don't expect anyone here to feel sorry for you, or for the career choices you have made in your life.

hey now, that's me!
You sound like a bitter person that doesn't enjoy his job. I used to be that way, then I decided to do something about it. I went to college at age 29, graduated and got a job I enjoy. You can continue to be bitter and "put up with the b.s.", or you can make a change. But don't expect anyone here to feel sorry for you, or for the career choices you have made in your life.

You sound like you must have gotten a degee in Psychology.
Haven't been a waiter or flight attendant, but as a bar tender for 3-4 years, if someone was an azzhole they were kicked out right then and there. Sometimes the cops were called to have them removed. Seen plenty of wait staff refuse service and kick people out. Wouldn't want to be on a plane with an unruly passenger.

During my current career I've turned down contracts worth more than I make in a year, sometimes many times over because the client was a dush or something else about them that was off. Just because they have money doesn't mean I have to take it.

If you don't stand up for yourself, expect people to keep walking all over you.

Is a waitress, bartender, flight attendant dealing with people in a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 situation? If someone is nasty to me once shame on them, if they do it twice without me saying something about their behavior, shame on me.

Maybe I got the wrong impression but you and the OP sounded like you were saying everyone who hires a guide is a dope and everyone with money who hires a guide is an @sshole.

I suspect guides are just like the people who hire them: some a jerks, some a great and some are just so-so.

I re-read the OP, and I maybe I missed the point of the thread. Perhaps it was meant to justify the hiring of a guide vs. the "OYO" way. I took it to mean that he was tired of being treated the way his clients treat him, in large part because of his subsequent posts. As Bambi and WY556 pointed out, you can either take it, or refuse to serve them.

Anyway, I have no clue why I cared enough to post in the first place. Carry on....if the HT crowd can't get this problem solved, nobody can. :)

Is a waitress, bartender, flight attendant dealing with people in a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 situation? If someone is nasty to me once shame on them, if they do it twice without me saying something about their behavior, shame on me.

Maybe I got the wrong impression but you and the OP sounded like you were saying everyone who hires a guide is a dope and everyone with money who hires a guide is an @sshole.

I suspect guides are just like the people who hire them: some a jerks, some a great and some are just so-so.


Sorry to have not been clear. I was just pointing out some of the interesting things that go on while hunting with outfitters. I just pointed out some of the joys of guiding and stuff that is said. I had no idea that this forum would take it so seriously and stand up for a high fence poorly prepared type of hunter that I described who claims to be one of the best hunters in the world. I doubt there is anyone like this on this forum so I don't' see the need to take it so personally. I know plenty of people on here go on guided hunts, I know plenty hunt private land, it's not a big deal. The people on here are the type who prepare for their hunts and take real hunting seriously, nothing like what I described. People on this site don't post pics of 200" high fence whitetails, they post pics of things like DIY Wyoming antelope hunts.

Every guide is not good, every guided hunter is not a dope. The same is true about any type of person or profession. Every Lawyer is not a bad person, every doctor/accountant is not good at what they do.

Listening to stories about high fence hunting or not sighting in a gun before a hunt is not a reason to kick the hunter out of your truck and send them home, unfortunately. Telling someone their opinion or way of doing things is stupid is not productive in that situation. About as useful as getting onto a D/R political fight, if each side has their mind made up there is really no reason to argue about it. Has nothing to do with not standing up for yourself.

You nailed it with your last statement.
I wanted to be a guide for clients that wanted to see the local action at the strip clubs here in WV. Sadly I got married and started going to church :D

Here is a little video of some of my former favorite joints. I still pass these places everyday. My wife hates it when I honk the horn when the girls are all outside smoking in their thongs.

I wanted to be a guide for clients that wanted to see the local action at the strip clubs here in WV. Sadly I got married and started going to church :D

Here is a little video of some of my former favorite joints. I still pass these places everyday. My wife hates it when I honk the horn when the girls are all outside smoking in their thongs.


Gee, Kinda makes ya want to "Walk Tall" though places like that! John
I love when people start threads with the disclaimer of "i know this will piss off some guys but i think....."

A few questions I have for you......Are you a guide? If so, who's the outfitter you work for? Do you think he would mind your internet rant and the potential of your rant driving potential business away? And lastly, if you see an ugly, fat woman out in public, would you walk up to her and say, "I know this is gonna piss you off, but ......." I ask that facetiously of course, and I would hope you have the manners to not behave that way in public, so Im curious why you would spew your opinions on a forum made up mostly of guys that pride themselves in "OnYourOwn" hunting.

i am not a guide or ever claimed to be a guide or would over want to become a guide
i do however think it needs to be talked about just how many ppl think they are hunting guides just because they set out buckets of food and sit next to somebody and tells them when to shoot. to me that is not a guide but they still keep saying they are guides and the hunter sitting next to them keep calling them guides.
just because you call a guuy like that a guide does not make it so
that was the point to this .
i do think it is time to say something about this . it is getting out of hand just how many guys think they are guides and just how many rich guys sit there and shoot a 200 inch whitetail. behind a high fence. shooting a farm raised whitetail behind a high fence does not make you a good hunter only someone that had the money to buy a 200in deer. i have no repeat no respect for that type of hunter at all . it is giving true hunters a very bad name . if you are not 1 of those type of hunters there is no reason to get upset over this. if you are that type of hunter it is time that somebody told you that you are not a true hunter

i never said that hiring a guide is a bad thing to do or the wrong thing to do i know there is no way around hiring a guide for hunting some game like a griz/brown bear in alaska. .what i did say is what is a guide . i stated a few things that i think can help to make a good guide
also i never said there are no good young guides .i will but that behind every good young guide is a very good older guide he learned from or is still learning from
You sound like a bitter person that doesn't enjoy his job. I used to be that way, then I decided to do something about it. I went to college at age 29, graduated and got a job I enjoy. You can continue to be bitter and "put up with the b.s.", or you can make a change. But don't expect anyone here to feel sorry for you, or for the career choices you have made in your life.

you have no idea what i do for a [ job ] do you ???????????????????
i do enjoy my job very much what i do not enjoy is so many guys loosing site of why we love to hunt. to many guys these days go out on there own or with a guide [ it makes no difference ] with the mind set of they have to shoot a trophy. in my mind every day i get to spend in the outdoors is a trophy day and if i get to take the game animal while out there that is icing on the cake. just this last weekend i was elk hunting and got my elk . i shot a cow elk and not a bull. i already have had atleast 5-6 guys ask why i did not hold out for a bull. that fact is the cow i shot was right next to a smaller bull i choose not to take . to me shooting a cow elk does not take away from the hunt. i will always remember that day forever and how i was able to find these elk 4 miles out in the prairie and then get into shooting range of them without ever being caught by them. she was shot at 47 yrds btw
I re-read the OP, and I maybe I missed the point of the thread. Perhaps it was meant to justify the hiring of a guide vs. the "OYO" way. I took it to mean that he was tired of being treated the way his clients treat him, in large part because of his subsequent posts. As Bambi and WY556 pointed out, you can either take it, or refuse to serve them.

Anyway, I have no clue why I cared enough to post in the first place. Carry on....if the HT crowd can't get this problem solved, nobody can. :)

+1. It always amazes me what topic will turn into a flamer. Winter must be coming on.
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