Kenetrek Boots

What is a big bull in your book??


That would be an interesting thread for you to post your bull and have guesses at it. The "300" guess is about 45 inches bigger than T-Bone's guess. I think 300 is high, but T-Bone is low....
Buzz that 4 x 4 raghorn you shot last year must have scored 340 plus because as you stated you would rather go without then shoot one that scored less
I'm with AZ 402--a 330 gross bull is definitely a big bull---yes they get bigger, but there are few who would pass one up ---chris
T Bone said:
I don't have a clue what quality of elk my new state of SD holds. But I just submitted for the draws yesterday.


Your new state has some "DARN BIG" animals!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you get drawn you should hold out for at least a 300... You can get into up to 400. The Black Hills of SD is very hard to draw. I have been a resident all my life and have not drawn yet..... But you can get drawn on your first year... GOOD LUCK!! and welcome to SD..... I applied for 6 different tags... I have 16 preference points.

i am really trying to put myself in a situation where i would pass up a 300 in bull. i guess if i was in a situation where i could hunt 3 or 4 states a year, and go for a nice legal one to start with and work my way up. i think it would be tough to have one tag for the year and keep passing up leagal bulls.
The first Bull I kill 330 or better will go on the wall. After that, I could really care less, cause thems ugly bastages anyways!!! :D However, they sure are some fine eating... hump
A lot depends on where you are hunting. If you draw a LE permit in many of the units in Utah, you can realistically hold out for a good chance at a 350+ class bull if you do your homework and scouting. I held out until the final day and shot a 355 with archery equipment. Took my daughter out with a rifle last year and she took a 382 bull. With the opportunity's to draw these tags so low, you must set a higher standard in order to fulfill a dream. On the other hand, if you're not hunting a trophy unit, and are competing with hundreds of other hunters, any bull is a nice bull. Depends on the situation!!!

Good to know! I just put in for pref points with the exception of CSP cow and late archery. With that many points, I'd think you to be a good contender! It's also a wake up call for me not to get my hopes up.

You do sheep and goat too?

What part of the state do you live in?

So far I am amazed at the numbers of deer here, I've been poking around Ft Mead some trying to stick a turkey bird and I found one good 4 point shed. So far my impression is that there are a few good bucks around.
Like most it depends on what I area that I draw. Any bull over 330 is big to me. But if I draw Arizona I will do my very best to find one in the 350 class.

Since I don't know how to Judge a Bull... I'd say anything 5+ is shooter And a 6+ is more so. Especially were we hunt. But I've only gotten one bull a little over 300. I'd shoot a little 312" like this any day :

have hunted in the wilderness on guided hunts yet to get first bull . any bull elk in the wilderness will be a trophy. only can make hunt evey couple of years
Seeing as I have never killed a bull...If I'm hunting western Washington, the min. here is a 3 point..I see him he's dead, then Mr. Bullet hole and I are going to get intimate hump My dream bull is a 6x6 royal...


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