Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

What I learned about CWD after 17 years of direct involvement

Nothing guys in Camo or orange will do will stop CWD. That study was interesting and more knowledge on CWD but we are powerless to stop it at this point for all the reasons I laid out in detail in this thread.
I dont think "faster" is a unit of measure in this subject but its hunter provided or hunter placed food vs nature or legitimate farming. Its a deer food provided by hunters to advantage hunters in congregating hosts to a specific area to advantage a hunter in seeing or taking infected hosts that will shed into the environment. Natural mast cant be done away with. Legitimate ag/farming is essential.

Things like "Tall tine tubers" and "mega rack greens" and "Hunter hot spot brassica". placed there by hunters, only to congregate infected host animals to a specific spot to advantage hunters is different as it relates to CWD shedding into the soil (that cant be removed or negated)

Natural things that grow in the wild and legitimate ag are not something that can be done away with.
Big ag and native vegetation will spread it, are essential and take up 99.x% of the landscape. Bait plots are harmful to the spread, yet are less than a percent of habitat across the north American continent. They won't spread it "faster", but they'll spread it over such a large area because of the vast acreage of food plots on the continent. Baiting, (not to be confused with bait plots) and mineral blocks are ok, even though they concentrate ungulates. Great info, keep it coming. Really helpful and applicable. Keep baiting and stop the spread of cwd through bait plots.
Both bait plots and bait stations will congregate infected hosts that will shed but the bait plots do so on a far larger scale and for many years in the same soils. The aggregate tonnage of the bait plots for far more months of the year than bait stations should be considered.
In your opinion, should there be any regulations for baiting, feeding, food plots, mineral based attractants, deer farms, deer scents, etc?
In your opinion, should there be any regulations for baiting, feeding, food plots, mineral based attractants, deer farms, deer scents, etc?

As it applies to CWD spread/transmission and ONLY CWD spread/transmission .

From your list. Perhaps only the deer farms as it relates to movement of cervids and fencing. I would not wish for legislation or regulation on "etc" That seems too far reaching.
This might have been posted but is an interesting discussion.

Well we have CWD here in Michigan, no baiting and if you turn your deer head in they will test it for you, making doe tags easy to get we wonder what it next !!!!
Theoretical situation: if somehow we proved without a sliver of doubt that CWD could in fact NOT be transmitted to humans in any possible way, would it still be as big of a concern that is is now?

More importantly, what are the ramifications if CWD is proven to be transmittable and to be lethal to Humans?

What will the States and Federal government do then, does the CDC have a plan?

What will happen to agriculture if CWD is proven to be transmittable to humans from plant material?

These are the big questions that the public needs to be know the potential answers.

I was at an elk farming convention where the beer banter turned to CWD.
Consensus was that CWD infecting humans would be great for their business.
I have always said, and will continue to say,: I am certain we don't know what we are doing regarding CWD.

Too many policies don't pass the smell test.
I fully agree. I was an undergrad at CSU from 1996-2001. I started off in Wildlife biology and worked at the state office in FT Collins when they decided that all the units around FR Collins needed to be killed out. We took in thousands of deer heads. Everything from fawns to large bucks. They did the scorched earth method in the units around FT Collins. Then for over a decade there was low infection rates, but there were also no damn deer anywhere. As the deer repopulated and started to reuse the traditional range the numbers went right back up.

look at the BS Colorado plan. Right now the Stated plan for Colorado is to kill every last mature buck in the area. Because the mature bucks are the highest infection rate. Again BS that will do nothing at all in the grand scheme of things.
Sounds like CWD spreads through coyote crap. Between spreading through deer crap and touching between them and coyote crap from eating infected deer there is no stopping the spread

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