What Have You Owned for 50 Years Or More?

I did see a couple of those that friends owned in my rear view, a 65 and a 68. I had a 67 Impala SS, 427 four speed, 12 bolt 4:10 posi.
To be honest, I didn't race em, insurance was already high enough. I remember a fellow with a souped up 67'ish Nova..... badazz quick.
I forgot about my Matchbox toys. When we were kids, they were much nicer than the "Hot Wheels" cars and trucks. Details were exceptional. When I was a kid, we saved our pop bottle money to go down to Coffee's Hobby Shop to buy them for 49 cents apiece.

We played with them a lot and most survived quite well...

Very cool thread. Nothing I’ve personally had that long as I’m only 35, but have a Remington 1901 12ga double with nickel steel barrels that has been in family since bought by my great, great, great grandfather when he and his wife started their own farm in Iowa in 1903. Had that and an 1890 winchester. Unfortunately the 1890 got sold by an in-law at some point.
An old Revelation 12 gauge pump that my dad bought for me back in 1970. Have not shot it much in the past 30 or so years but as a teen when I first got it I bout wore it out on squirrels, rabbits, quail, an occasional turkey and a couple deer.


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I have my dads J C Higgins model 51 in 30-06 and a Ithaca model 37 12 ga. Both made in the 1950s. Recently refurbished my dad's chain hoist from the 1940s All still function perfectly.
This rifle is over 50 years old. Granted it has gone through some upgrades, but the barrel and action are the same. I can't even guess how many critters have fallen to this rifle.
WWII 30-06 Springfield my dad sporterized (1962), my first gun 16 ga Model 12 (October 6, 1964), Model 870 Wingmaster 12 ga magnum (1967), Browning A-5 Light Twelve (1972 ... okay, only 49 years), True Temper fiberglass fly rod and Hurricane fly vest (Christmas 1962 - rewrapped the rod circa 1975), Herters fly tying vice (1968). I also now own the 30-06 Model 760 my grandpa bought for Dad a few weeks after I was born in October 1952. That was the first year they were produced.
Haven't hit 50 Springs yet....but I'm close...

As referred to in other threads my dad still has the Winchester model 64 I hunted with as a kid that was my Great Grandfather's. There are a couple of Model 70's that are Pre 64.

When it comes to vehicles, we always regarded them as tools not collectors items. While we owned them a long time, they usually depreciated pretty badly especially from a body work standpoint.

I've never been a Collector either. I hate to store anything that is not of use in the near future. I hate clutter.

I did find a bamboo Surf fishing rod of my grandfathers .
My Dad bought me a Buck knife, when I was 13, at the LL Bean store in Freeport, ME. I bought a 20 ga. SKB o/u and a Sako Finnbear .243 when I was 16. Still have all three of those.
What a fun thread! I have my 1st Teddy Bear, he sits on a shelf in our room with a few other old friends. I have my 1st hunting knife a friend of my Dads made me out of a planer blade. I have my 1st rifle, a Model 98 25-06 my Dad had made for me for my 11th birthday, 50 years ago next month. I still hunt with it every year. I just bought a new scope last week to replace the original Weatherby 4X scope. There’s nothing wrong with it but I decided after 50 years I‘d try a new one. LOL
A couple things now that I think about it A Revelation single shot 22 I got for 12 birthday from Western Auto. A Stevens 410 my brother gave me for Christmas and he had it for 20 yrs before he gave it to me, bluing gone as is all the engraving. I have a Pre64 Winchester model 70 .264 WM it’s over 50 but I bought it in 84, doesn’t count I guess but it still shoots, the throats gone and if I load the bullets to touch the lands they won’t fit in the magazine.

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