Kenetrek Boots

What happened

why so many different forums for the "FOR SALE" stuff? One forum was fine, it wasn't all that active. Too many forums suck.

I was just trying to make it better, just not finished, you wont see all the forums you will just see 1 and the sub cats below it that are small envelopes.

Scroll down to towards the bottom of this one
then you will understand.

When the conversion is made to the new version of the software, some sections will be combined, some eliminated, and some new ones added.

One that will be combined is the For Sale thread. Hopefully that won't suck. ;)

maybe add a goodbye section where the people that dont like change can say there goodbyes before they go.
I didn't think the adult section was porn. Unless you consider titties and beaver shots porn. I never saw anything on there that was pornographic, or that I would be embarrassed for anyone knowing that I was looking at it. Just my opinion.
I hope all the changes don't effect the trophy room, I have alot of pic's stored on there. Please let me know if thats going to be affected so I can move it somewhere else.

Jose, careful, that pic is awful close to being pornographic! Someone, somewhere may be pleasuring themselves to it, thats one hot bike!!
I didn't think the adult section was porn. Unless you consider titties and beaver shots porn. I never saw anything on there that was pornographic, or that I would be embarrassed for anyone knowing that I was looking at it. Just my opinion.
I hope all the changes don't effect the trophy room, I have alot of pic's stored on there. Please let me know if thats going to be affected so I can move it somewhere else.


I am not one to get in an argument about what is porn and what is not. As someone once said, "It is hard to describe what is pornography, but when you see it, you know it."

There were pics in there that were definitely porn, even to the most open-minded of folks. Even if it is the "soft" stuff, like you mentioned, that is still porn when taken in the context of a hunting site.

I am glad you offerred to let the adult stuff be transferred/posted over on your fishing site. It was not a risk I was willing to take. I hope it doesn't turn out bad for you.

For what it is worth, I did not even know the adult section existed, when I bought the site from Moosie. I did not have access to it. It was only a couple weeks ago that I got full access (I know, stupid of me). After that, I had an evening to go look at every corner of the site. Imagine the look on my face when I open up some these pics. I thought we had been hacked.

I start asking around to the mods about what the hell is with that section. I am sure they laughed as they typed their replies.

So, it is gone. It was a lot of work for those who managed it. It probably was enjoyed by many while it was here. And, it will not be coming back.
and finally, there are plenty of sites to visit for porn and no members on hunttalk can view the who's online and see you logged into a adult thread and think to them selves, "DUDE this guy is Rubbing one out to this picture at 1:30pm WTF is wrong with him, do it in the morning or late at night No wonder why he aint answering my pms or phone calls"

And I'll reply like I did in the other thread.

Del must be one sick puppy to be thinking about guys on here rubbing one out. Personally, that is not a mental picture I want to have in my head.

Now, as to what is pornography. Would you consider Moosie in a loincloth pornography? Or how about Moosie with only a pan covering his man-parts? What about Moosie shirtless and flaunting his man boobs? I'm starting to detect a trend here!

And finally, what about a certain person engaged in simulated (God, I HOPE it was simulated!!) intercourse with a dead elk? Is that pornography?
And finally, what about a certain person engaged in simulated (God, I HOPE it was simulated!!) intercourse with a dead elk? Is that pornography?


I am pretty sure The Cheese having sex with a dead elk crossed the line for our collective "community standards".
I can tell what what will ruin this forum and thats running it like church chat and having the holey than thou crowd telling you what is acceptable and whats not.
religion and politics suck and start more bullshit than they are worth.

you notice this more with hunters down in the south vs hunters in the west. Thats why this board is cool cause you can pretty much say what you want and if you dont like it leave.
I can tell what what will ruin this forum and thats running it like church chat and having the holey than thou crowd telling you what is acceptable and whats not.
religion and politics suck and start more bullshit than they are worth.

you notice this more with hunters down in the south vs hunters in the west. Thats why this board is cool cause you can pretty much say what you want and if you dont like it leave.

In case anyone is wondering why Del has been so good at building and maintaining sites, it is becuase he knows what works and what doesn't work. His advice has been very helpful. His rules have been followed and that has helped Hunttalk get to this stage.

Don't expect a lot to change.
My opinion on these 2 is very simple, clean it up If I would have boughten it I would have cleaned it up in 20 mins.

Dont get me wrong I think those to forums should be there, but you have lots of people just causing problems and nothing else then screwing with everyone. I would ban those people from that section myself. then when they learn to quit being ass's they get the permission back.
My opinion on these 2 is very simple, clean it up If I would have boughten it I would have cleaned it up in 20 mins.

Dont get me wrong I think those to forums should be there, but you have lots of people just causing problems and nothing else then screwing with everyone. I would ban those people from that section myself. then when they learn to quit being ass's they get the permission back.

You mean those with alter egos who pretty much post only there and never post anything about hunting?