Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

What Happened to Cybil?

BHR, It's Sybil, with an S not Cybil with a C. The C is feminine and the S is politcally correct, gender nuetral.. Kind of like HoseB. Not sure if they need to stand up or sit down to urinate.

I heard an ambulance went by with the siren screaming and Jose went chasing after it.

danr55- putting an S instead of a C has no gender significance. The proper name of the lady who had multiple personalities was Sybil. I believe Sally Fields played her in the movie.
Matt, It really doesn't make any difference. The whole thing was intended as a shot at political correctness. Relax. Don't take everything so litterally. (spelled with to L's to indicate that it's all trash anyway.. ) It's Syberhumor or Cyborhumor...

Im lost but sound sad, personalities, those hard to deal with, really feel for them to bad they laays get put away when no need, pills dont work they be better off at home, one swho dangerous, i can see, yes
LOL.. Dan, I only saw two of them, elqueervo or some thing of that sort and his usual guner one....

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