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What firearms would to take travelling around the USA, going into both anti and pro states ?

Ive got LEOSA which is a nice perk. It's got some rules though, easiest to stumble on while on vacation or a cross country road trip is the "no alcohol" stipulation.

Legally your best bet in most places would be an unloaded pump action shotgun stored outside of the passenger compartment with ammo in a separate locked container.
Get 1-2 CCW permits so you are legal in almost every state, with some having a few different rules, but then you can carry legal almost everywhere. As for which gun/guns I will leave that up to you as we all have our favorites based on many different reasons and what we will be doing on said trip.
This makes me thing of what I think it was Elgin Gates said about carrying conceled in NYC. "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six"! That in midn I drove over the road trucks for a lot of years and have been in NYC countless times. I always had a gun on me! Was in Harlem one time in a small store getting some smokes. As I was leaving two cops shoved me back insside, alarm in the store went of. Had my Colt Diamondback under my coat. owner came out and gave all clear and I walked away. Rather be judged by twelve than carried by six!
Wasn't a camping trip, but just drove from WY to FL and back with my family. Didn't take any firearms and never felt like I needed one. And that's even with making a 3 AM pit-stop in down town Atlanta, GA.
Lot to be said for never needing one. Most people that carry will never need one! But that one time in a million you do need one it won't be doing you any good laying home in the gun case. I have been in every hell hole meat market and produce market in the US many times and never needed one in them. Delivery times in NYC start at 3am! Ever been in Hunts Point at 3am? how about Little West 12th St or Harlem! One thing I learned in these places was to be aware of what is going on around me and act accordingly. Gun was never needed! I've carried in California, Illinois and Canada gun was never required but if for some reason it had been, it was there.

This of course get's away from simply transporting a gun through these different zone's. Bu it's also taught me I can operate most times among the bad guy. Where you want to be careful is with the law. You might think you've done nothing wrong and they will throw you in jail. NYC cop told me years ago they knew we had guns in the trucks. If we had to shoot someone don't call the cops, just leave the guy lay and they will find them. Less paper work that way!
l would feel ok carrying pretty much any revolver, say what you will but the old time lawmen used the 38 special pretty much universally until the late 1940s when the 1911 came back from ww2. they stopped a lot of bag guys with them. get some hot defense loads and don't worry about it.
NYC cop told me years ago they knew we had guns in the trucks. If we had to shoot someone don't call the cops, just leave the guy lay and they will find them. Less paper work that way!
I mean I guess if you’re comfortable with going to prison for murder this is a solid strategy.
I mean I guess if you’re comfortable with going to prison for murder this is a solid strategy.
Two ways it could go. Could be murder in prison if you caught. Or could be a quick trip to the furneral home for you! I see you live in Montana. NYC is a different world you would not believe. I stopped at a red light in NYC at 3 am one time. Cop pulled me over and told me not to do that again! You'd have a hard time with any of this not living in a crime ridden place.
Two ways it could go. Could be murder in prison if you caught. Or could be a quick trip to the furneral home for you!
Everybody likes to think they’re a badass gunslinger I guess. I have nothing against shooting people if done legally, but there are some rather serious regulations associated with shooting people.
Everybody likes to think they’re a badass gunslinger I guess. I have nothing against shooting people if done legally, but there are some rather serious regulations associated with shooting people.
Nice living in Montana isn't it. I lived there years ago!
It absolutely is. I carried a Glock 10mm while I was fishing today.
I carry my S&W shield c9 everywhere including fishing. Would like to find a nice little 22 RF to carry fishing. Like to kill my cats right away and shot in the head when I get home makes them wait around to long for me. Don't want to use the CF ammo from an autoloader as don't want to lose the case's! I'd take my 1917 Savage but it's 32 Smith and don't want to lose them either.
I would open carry a Desert Eagle to assert my masculine dominance over any would be wrongdoers. I would wear only eagle tees with the sleeves ripped off and a Merkan flag bandana as a headband.


Why arent I doing this already? Excuse me, I have to make a couple purchases now.
l would feel ok carrying pretty much any revolver, say what you will but the old time lawmen used the 38 special pretty much universally until the late 1940s when the 1911 came back from ww2. they stopped a lot of bag guys with them. get some hot defense loads and don't worry about it.
1911 makes a good LE firearm. But crummy carry gun. To big amd to heavy for carrying around. 1911 makes fair war gun. Doesn't sarry enough rounds and pretty good recoil.
It absolutely is. I carried a Glock 10mm while I was fishing today.
Years ago when I lived in NW Monana I was stream fishing with a buddy. When we stopped for a lunch break we set up some saucer size flat rocks to shoot. My buddy's .357 mag broke the rocks in a few pieces and my Ruger SBH .44 mag made gravel out of the rocks.
The FOPA should be good in any state. I say "should" because around here there's Maryland, NJ and NY. I wouldn't doubt you'd be hauled in and sufficiently harassed to the limit of a law suit, then released and on your way. Bastiges