Yeti GOBOX Collection

What ever happened to,,,,,

You guys miss Bick Stick now don't you? When he came here bragging about the guns he "built" but really just bought. I got banned on his favorite forum just for showing up... I guess I bested the twit.
Greenhorn misses Blue Yummies
I'm not surprised I made such a big impression on buzz and guner, you two are worse than a couple old women who badger their husbands on self perceived transgressions from 40 years before... tsk... tsk...

On that note, at least I know I still sit at the forefront of their dreams and thoughts even though I don't frequent here very often anymore, I have to apologize I don't think of either of you unless I'm actually here and see your name again...

Sorry.... :(

Maybe one day I'll post pics of some of the ditches and holes I've helped dig recently, the fishing trips on the ice, cross country walks and hunting forays that still take up a lot of my time, including the many fires I've played in since last I was here...

I've seen my black elk twice more since the first sighting but too far to get a good picture, maybe soon I hope...

I've had a few life changing issues happen, so had to step out of the snotty brawls, especially since my opponents never could give "ANY" proof to their allegations, just hearsay that others blindly follow along with... Sheeple are well known for such silly actions :D

Annnnyyyyy Wayyyy......

Have a few more minutes to play here and then head out to go fishing in the Big hole today... :)
Uhhh.......Cheese, it was "tjones" who was wondering what happened to you and "all the elk twins" you were seeing.... Remember when you thought you were a bar-stool biologist and discovered the mother-lode of multiple births for elk???

Elkchsr, bighornram, and the dude from Wyoming " bobcat?? or bearscat,,,something like that.

So many memories of guys that have come and gone!

I can think of a few I would like to forget!
guner, as unattentive as ever....

Your quote on this topic not mine... ;)

Keep up man... this thread is over two weeks old and your already forgetting where you posted your trash...

Maybe you should just take a break from this board and spend a little alone time to get to know who you are... or is that what your really afraid of... ;) :D

The Imaginary Corporal is the funniest one..... I love people that demand respect..... :eek:

Buzz is right about The Cheese's holes he dug in the Forest. And, the funny thing was that he was the victim because he some how thought Moosie wanted to see pictures of how to dig holes in the forest....

Well, and then there was The Cheese quoting the Girl Scouts handbook for survival tips....

And then there was the time The Cheese had sex with a dead animal and posted pictures of it....

And the time The Cheese hung racks of meat from lagbolts in his kitchen ceiling to make spoiled meat....

And the time that ...... oh, never mind, The Cheese stories are endless....

BigWhore is another one to miss..... always wrong on Sportsman's Issues...

DGibson was a good guy, too bad he doesn't post here.

I have to go now, its a nice day and the fish are waiting...


Enjoy your day everyone...

Let the wilderness fill your lungs, the streams fill your sight, and the sounds of the animals fill your ears...