What else have we been wrong about forever?

I thought Moose had two single horns with Prongs on them and weighed about 100lbs... :cool:
In Scandinavia they call moose elk. So as not to be out done we here in Oregon decided we would start calling moose elk also but we only have a dozen or so elk (moose) in the state so there wasn't much reason to be calling them anything. So we decided, why not start calling elk moose? So now we have thousands of moose. Next I think we should start calling our black tails rain deer and our mule deer red stag. I wonder what we should call the wapiti?
A few years ago there was a group of Asian tourists in the parking lot of one of the hotels in the Grand Canyon and there was a bugling bull elk and they were taking pics of the "moose".
They must have thought it was tame because they were getting within 10 feet of it for pics.
A few years ago there was a group of Asian tourists in the parking lot of one of the hotels in the Grand Canyon and there was a bugling bull elk and they were taking pics of the "moose".
They must have thought it was tame because they were getting within 10 feet of it for pics.

10ft away!Thats one way to thin out he herd...:cool:
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