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What do you think of this shot?

Tom you described the "no zone" and the deer probably lived. Last year my buddy shot one that same spot. we tracked it 1/3 mile and lost the blood. a week lated he shot the same deer in a different stand. She was kicking ass on a button buck that got too close to her apple tree.
she was healing up pretty well, tough tough animals deer are.
Go back up to my first post. Liver shots give lots of dark red blood. How long did you wait before tracking her? If she wasn't chased I think she would have laid down within 300 yards, probably a lot less. Best to wait at least an hour on a liver shot with a bow.
Ithaca got it, he said liver shot. He waited 45 minutes he said above, go back to that. Does the liver bleed slowly, is that it?