Yeti GOBOX Collection

What do you mix with your Deer/Elk Sausage?

With moose burger we use a 80-20 mix with pork suit. We also like to add in bacon bits for bacon burgers. Ground jhallipino peppers are a good add in.
Might add that when making up blends for sausages to fry up a pattie n try it before making 25 pounds. We did up some black bear brats that were good. And making sausages is also a nice family affair.
Depends on what I’m going for…..
Regular link sausage 50/50 venison/fattier meat (pork trimmings/beef trimmings)
We do a bunch of briskets, pork shoulders, etc here so we usually save n freeze the trimmings for sausage
Salamis 50/50
Dry sausage/snacksticks 70/30 venison/trimmings
Burger/chili grind 70/30, when growing up we always used beef talo, but I like beef n pork trimmings now
A good pork butt (Boston butt/upper shoulder) wrks great
Brisket trim works great too
Meat prices are crazy now so save all the fat/fattier trim u can
We try n save Wtvr we can on wild pigs we can now to supplement the above also
Something one of my uncle’s always said that I always found funny, “deer meat screws up a good pork sausage!”
If ur looking for just the trimmings, most butcher shops; even big grocery stores w a butcher counter, will save trim for u n sell it “fairly” cheap, if u ask a day or so in advance
Also freeze or close to frozen, the fattier portions before u grind; that way it doesn’t “gum” up in the grinder n makes a “prettier” final product
I have a butcher that saves me ribeye fat trimmings as he is cutting them. I’ll grind that into burger at 15% for some and the rest I’ll leave 100% venison. The 15% ribeye fat will be for hamburger patties only and the 100% venison will be used in ground meat dishes like taco meat and meat sauce for spaghetti, just add some olive oil while browning the meat.

For sausage I always use 15-30% pork fat, depending on what sausage I’m making.
If you have the time I would to talk to you about hunting gmu 86. I saw u commented about it. I see you live in Shreveport and I would like to get ur take since we are both flatlanders. I am from Alexandria la. Not sure how to PM you. Any advise is appreciated
Daniel myrick
If you have the time I would to talk to you about hunting gmu 86. I saw u commented about it. I see you live in Shreveport and I would like to get ur take since we are both flatlanders. I am from Alexandria la. Not sure how to PM you. Any advise is appreciated
Daniel myrick
I think you have to be around for a while, and have significant interaction on the forum, before you can send/receive private messages and direct communications to other members. It cuts down on the flood of people who jump on wanting free info and then are never heard from again. I don’t want to derail this thread, post any specific unit information here, or post my phone number here. Hunt me down on FB or IG and I might can help you out a little. I’m pretty easy to find.
I think you have to be around for a while, and have significant interaction on the forum, before you can send/receive private messages and direct communications to other members. It cuts down on the flood of people who jump on wanting free info and then are never heard from again. I don’t want to derail this thread, post any specific unit information here, or post my phone number here. Hunt me down on FB or IG and I might can help you out a little. I’m pretty easy to find.
Ok. Thanks for the offer
Fat I've added to venison sausage or ground
  • Wild pig-caution if big boar/fat sow is best
  • pork back fat-can be expensive
  • pork cheek meat from butcher-best flavor. hard to get and expensive
  • pork Butts or shoulder from Costco-easiest, fairly cheap
  • Bacon-everyone like bacon
  • Bacon ends-cheaper than bacon
  • Duck fat- this was interesting, good in a mango jalapeño creation but duck fat adds lots of flavor, duck flavor
  • Beef Fat -trimmings from butcher- best for ground burger
I keep things fairly lean. 10%-15% pork fat in snack sticks, summer sausage, and smoked link sausage (andouille, kielbasa, and brats). I have done raw brats but with game think they are much better smoked and finished in hot water bath to get to temp, don’t dry out with lower fat content. Breakfast sausage is one thing that just seems to need some pork meat and fat in it to be good IMO. I do 25-30% fatty pork (shoulder or sim) and some bacon ends, also best with antelope, just takes spices better than deer and elk. Have used beef fat before and don’t notice a taste difference, freezer life has never been an issue with pork, I hear beef is slightly lower calorie if that’s a concern.
I like adding 12.5% beef tallow to any ground venison I intend to cook, and keep a portion without for making jerky.
We are very picky on how our venison burger is so it is usually very lean and trimmed of any tissue. I will add 15% beef fat and package in 1lb packs. This way we can use as is or add ground pork if you are making meatballs or sausage patties, etc. You can then add as much ground pork as needed for that meal. This gives you a lot of flexibility for you venison dishes and getting the flavor you want.

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