Yeti GOBOX Collection

What do you do with your old bows?

Good thread. I'm thinking about upgrading a 10 year old bow and dont know what to do with it. Giving it away might be the next step.
Find a young hunter/archer ready to step up to a full size bow. Turn down the limbs to the lower limit and help them sight it in.

I'm usually selling it for the value of the accessories, the quiver, the arrows, the sight and stabilizer. They will be able to transfer many of those to the new bow they upgrade to.
Every few years I purchase a old bow, Bear,Pse,Golden eagle and redo it and hunt with it that year. Here my latest one but I ended up giving it to a friend's son that loved it.Resized_20200429_174859.jpeg
When I bought my vxr a couple years ago I gave my little brother my old setup so he could get into archery.
I keep mine. I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to hunting gear and firearms. I always have my backup bow in my truck during archery season.
We collect old bows that are still shootable/safe for new shooters at our archery club. The really old ones either make it up on the walls or trash.
Quick update.

Our two youngest daughters ( 6 and 9) asked me last week to shoot some arrows and so I did something. I took the pre 59 Kodiak off the wall and strung it up, let it sit for a day, then examined it thoroughly, pulled it back a few times and didn't hear any cracking...

We have been shooting every day since then. They are using a small Bear Lil Gremlin and I have been running the Kodiak. I like shooting that old Bear so much I ordered a couple new Dacron strings from 3Rivers and maybe just maybe might try to stick a whitetail this year with it.

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