What do you carry when hunting in otter habitat?

i heard it bit off the one girls ear. no shit. thats wild. I once had one attack and pull my black lab under water on the gallatin. i had my 12 gauge, and it was useless against it. they have a sixth, maybe seventh sense that alerts them to gunfire. I'm worried we may be on the brink of total society collapse as the otters regain their realm as top predators on our planet. they did it to the dinosaurs, and they're going to do it to us. you've been warned. we won't ever hear them coming (at least she won't... from one ear) sory
i heard it bit off the one girls ear. no shit. thats wild. I once had one attack and pull my black lab under water on the gallatin. i had my 12 gauge, and it was useless against it. they have a sixth, maybe seventh sense that alerts them to gunfire. I'm worried we may be on the brink of total society collapse as the otters regain their realm as top predators on our planet. they did it to the dinosaurs, and they're going to do it to us. you've been warned. we won't ever hear them coming (at least she won't... from one ear) sory
I asked an AI image generator to bring our new reality to life.

If I got bit by an otter, I don’t think I will tell anybody.

Just saying.
I have been attacked by a rooster, a pig (it was a baby), a rattle snake tried climbing in the boat, I have had a squirrel come at me sitting in a tree stand and nearly had a golden eagle land on me (we were equally as scared when we saw each other). No matter the size or ferocity of the animal when an animal is pissed at you and running or swimming at you it will get the blood pumping. Probably a pretty helpless feeling floating down a river, you certainly aren’t going to out swim an otter.

I'm going to be hunting this fall in some prime otter habitat and with recent events I'm very concerned with my self defense. I'm thinking I'll need at least a 10mm or 44 mag. Or is otter spray good enough?

(No disrespect intended to those that were injured and I hope that they have a quick and complete recovery)
You need a dart gun with Night Howler Serum. Anything else and my bet is on the otter.
Honestly if you put me in a situation where I had to either fight an otter or a griz I think I'd take my chances with the griz
I have dealt with more than my fair share of otters in traps. I have had a pair of hip boots shredded by one in the blink of an eye.

Pound for pound one of the meanest and strongest critters I have ever handled.

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