Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

What do I need to get for Elkhunting?


First thing you need are ELK. Like Moosie said: It may sound funny, but its true.

I went on my first elk hunt last fall and I never saw any elk until the last day. I understand the, thats hunting part, but be sure you know where the animals are otherwise your wasting your time - if your aim is to kill an elk.

Secondly I would highly recommend you go at least 4 days before you start your hunt. I understand your "flatlander" lingo. When you gain that much in altitude you may end up with a bad headache for a few days and its no fun hunting when sick.

Take 3 or 4 tubes of chap stick. Your skin (lips) are going to dry out big time. Some moisturizer for your skin is a real help.

Obviously a caliber/bullet combo sufficient to the task.

Forget the "blow up" doll. When you switch hands, its like a whole new girl. I learned that tip from Moosie himself.

And most of all be safe and come back and tell all of us the FULL Story.

Moosie is right. Take a GPS and compas Carry two or three compas because there will be times you are sure the compas you are using is wrong. I carry at least two because there will be a time when one will be lost. Know how to use your GPS. Mark in your starting location so you can find your way home if you get turned around. Bring extra batterys. I picked up a guy last year who had a new GPS and was 12 miles by road going in the wrong direction. KNOW how to use it!! Get the best binos. Not the best you can afford but the best. I bought the best I could afford then two years later upgraded till I figured out buy the best the first time. If you take care of them it is cheaper to get one pair that will last. Mine were 900 bucks 5 years ago and they are worth every penny. Got me a 6 point because the area was a 6 point or better. The guide said he was a 5x5. He had cheap binos. I could see the 6th point with mine. Boots get the best. Again I got cheaper ones and bought stock in mole skin. Now I have Danner Elk hunters and never get blisters. The rest well practice shooting. Know where your gun hits at what distance. Topo maps and learn the area the best you can. When it gets dark, starts to snow heavy or fog sets in- things look a lot different out there.
Aah yes, the good-ole archeryelk hunt in CO, done it 3 times myself.
Elkhunter is right, you'll need close for 70 & clothes for 10 degree weather. Although the CO archery season is in Sep, which is usually warm (I say USUALLY), one year I was hunting and it dropped 16" of snow that night, that next day most of the other hunters left because they weren't prepared for that cold a temp or that much snow. And, of course, execellent boots are a MUST) the Danners are great, have had mine for 10 years now! The GPS is great, but like "Gun Dog" said, 'know how to use it.' For topo maps I reccommend the 'Trails Illustrated" series (if they have them for your area) they're water/tear proof, you can write on them, they're folded, they are fairly specific with accurate topography, and they're devided with Latitude & Longitude markings for use with your GPS (which you KNOW how to use, and have extra batteries for).
As for the calling & shooting... PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

(oh yeah, don't forget to give us the specifics when you get back)

Hey everyone,

Thanks for all the good info! and the bad (blow up doll)
I'm trying to decide on a frame pack now.
I like the looks of the cabelas guide pack and they have a dwight schuh model that looks good too. My techno buddy (owns a marine electronics store) is fixing me up with a GPS! I just need to be sure that has a cpu port to import scouting info onto the

oh yeah, I bought a .79 cent pack of matches so I'm almost ready! Just need a little more a$$ in my pants...right DKO?

Be warned, I may hit you guys up for some more ideas!
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