What did you, or are you still hoping to draw? I’m stoked!

Hopefully, should be drawing CO deer with 14 points, Utah Antelope/rifle, archery deer in ID; and then any lucky tag in NV, (Sheep, elk or Lope); fall back is WY antelope with 3 points/special; Montana Antelope with 3 points, and if I am really desperate CA deer (B tag). Hopeful for 2021 (2020 was a slow one for me on big game; but a killer year for ducks).
what is with the ‘doe tags going into the bin’?
Yep, going in the bin for a variety of reasons.

Too many assclowns out wounding does...shooting too far, running ones, herd shooting, etc.

Pronghorn aren't doing that well in the areas I plan to apply for, and IMO, too many tags are being issued.

Too many people in the areas I'm going to apply in, the experience sucks because of the number of people

Doe tags are too cheap, their lives are worth more than $38.

Residents need to start putting more demand on doe tags and draw our allotment.

Probably wing a buck tag in the garbage too if I don't draw my first choice.
I have only a couple realistic chances. NM or WY archery elk. Everything else is a long shot or preference point still due to Covid high jacking my regular job, and step-daughter’s China wedding travel uncertainty. The virus really stole my work flexibility & independence, and my hunting applications. But it all ends August 1st. We are officially back to normal. And on top of that, being sent to Denver for software training mid-September. So I'll take advantage by staying on and scouting unit 61 for archery elk, which I can draw next year.
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I've got my Montana general deer and elk tags. Will still put in for Montana Moose, sheep, and goat tags, all with maximum bonus points, along with a Montana antelope and buffalo tag. Waiting, but not holding my breath, on 5 chances on a Montana Super sheep tag.

I'm also booked on a Brown bear and Moose hunt in western Alaska in September.
I'm waiting on Wyoming antelope doe with dad and 2 boys also Wyoming antelope buck with a buddy and his wife. Tried last year and struck out and with tag reduction this year my Hope's aren't very high.
WY has reduced it overall antelope tag numbers in every zone for this fall. Even as a resident it could be tough pickings for many areas.
I am hoping for at least an ok november NM rifle deer tag
waiting on first choice 3rd rifle deer in CO
and second choice CO Elk on a second choice first rifle tag i did well with last year
MT antelope 700 with 3 points
KS deer 91% with zero points
all pretty high % draws and yeah before anyone sees CO third season deer connected with high % draw i’m applying for a one point unit with 4 points bc i know it’s going to be crazy this year
Applied for a 4th rifle deer hunt in CO. Applying NR with zero points so the odds aren't great. I've got early muzzleloader deer for the 2nd and 3rd choices with better odds. If nothing, then points for next year.
This is my first post here, I should draw first rifle bear here (Co) and rifle cow elk tag 3rd season. I put in rifle deer but 2nd choice archery and just going to wait on bull tag.
Archery antelope and antelope b. Probably half hearted attempts this season, at best. Dont mind if I dont draw.

Deer B tag for doe whitetail (usually guarantee) and Ill pick up another whitetail B tag for the region (usually guarantee). Along with my general deer, these are all I expect to fill - meat for the freezer, brown its down, whatever they say (backyard deer hunting). Maybe get lucky on one of the handful of days of half-hearted elk hunting Im sure to do, but doubt it.

Also put in for moose, sheep, and goat. Dont expect to win - actually, I dont want to win!

Have birds on the brain, as ever.
Not a lot left up in the air for
- guaranteed both my ND deer tags archery and landowner
- going to apply for ND doe fawn antelope should be 100%
- both Montana b tags elk and mule are 100% draw or atleast have been
- deciding whether or not to apply for Montana antelope , if I do I’ll draw R7 I have a pile of points built up just trying to see how busy my October is going to be . I’ll probably find someone to apply with me that has no points . Even when averaged we should draw
Haven't finalized my deer and antelope apps for WY and still have to apply for antelope in MT. Still have to apply here at home too but that doesn't open until 1 May.

Hopefully I'll draw my WY elk, deer and antelope tags and I won't be holding my breath for MT antelope. Also, I should be drawing a moose tag at home this year and would give my left nut for a Saskatchewan antelope tag but one can only dream, odds are chit.
I still need Nevada and Idaho sheep, Utah sheep and pauns deer and the Montana super tag sheep along with Montana Mountain Goat, Moose and Arizona Kaibab mule deer and Arizona Desert Bighorn. That about covers it. It's a modest ask.
Hoping to draw WY doe antelope, bull and cow elk, and mule deer. Odds on all tags range from OK to very low, so could get lucky or come up empty-handed.